Cririk Adom

(Redirected from Cr'rik Adom)

Cririk Adom was Chair of the Board and Chief Executive of Hallifax during the Taint Wars when Hallifax and Gaudiguch became locked in time. When the cities were freed, only Adom and Scuchidira Tliwx survived the centuries-long catastrophe.

  • Born on 15th of Methril in the 473rd Year of the Imperial Empire. (Source: HONORS Cririk)
  • 253 CE - Returned to the Basin. "712 years after his birth, more than six hundred years after the lost breath he took." (Events #174)
  • Penned the Collectivist Manifesto, a key document providing the philosophy behind Hallifax's social structures.
  • His body lies preserved in glass atop the Spire of the Lawgivers in Hallifax.