The Fates
...the Fates, older even than I, who claimed they came into being when Dynara begat her first creation, but who were never themselves created. They were a mystery, I think, even to Dynara. The three sisters often claimed that they existed in every reality where the ripples of creation fanned outwards.
- -Dracnoris, Book of Dracnoris
The Fates are ancient and timeless beings that appeared before many Elder Gods themselves can recall. They claim they exist across all realities to record destinies and weave them together into a tapestry.
Initially shapeless, after Dynara developed the "star-shape" for gods, the Fates settled into appearing as a trio of sisters - Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. According to Keph, the Fates are similar to the Great Spirits awoken by the Sixth Circle except they were awoken by Dynara or Magnora and are "manifestations of the last vestiges of Yudhe's will."
- Oldest mention seems to be in the Book of Dracnoris.
- The Fates are conversing with Keph when the other Elder Gods arrive seeking the Primal Goddess's wisdom. Keph dictates many insights she has learned from the Fates, which Mugowumpois transcribes as the Verses of Magnora. (Book of Tauro)
- The Fates provide Xyl with the plans for building the Portal of Fate.
- The Fates guide Mlorag to Meridian and encourage Meridian look into the eyes of those who have gone through the Portal of Fate, leading to insights that cause Meridian to finally splinter.
- After the Vernal Wars, the Fates reside on the Cosmic Plane of Shallamar.
- The Fates give a series of cryptic prophecies prior to Project Cosmic Hope and disappear without warning as soon as the expedition launched.