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*'''a hideous archdemon''' - This huge creature is barely recognisable as humanoid, its form has been so twisted by the taint. It stands almost ten feet high, the huge wings behind it making it seem almost as wide. Great tumours have erupted from its body, whilst its limbs are twisted out of proportion. A huge maw is filled with massive teeth, black ooze dripping down its chin. Bright red eyes blaze above the grin, the only clear feature in the blackened, corrupted form. Multiple limbs have erupted from its sides, some massive, clawed arms, others stunted mockeries or sinuous tentacles. Its nose exhales a black smoke, which wraps around to surround the monstrosity. A hideous archdemon appears to be extraordinarily strong. He weighs about 625 pounds. He has a great resistance to excorable damage. He has a moderate weakness to divinus damage. He is loyal to the Grand Province of Magnagora.
*'''a hideous archdemon''' - This huge creature is barely recognisable as humanoid, its form has been so twisted by the taint. It stands almost ten feet high, the huge wings behind it making it seem almost as wide. Great tumours have erupted from its body, whilst its limbs are twisted out of proportion. A huge maw is filled with massive teeth, black ooze dripping down its chin. Bright red eyes blaze above the grin, the only clear feature in the blackened, corrupted form. Multiple limbs have erupted from its sides, some massive, clawed arms, others stunted mockeries or sinuous tentacles. Its nose exhales a black smoke, which wraps around to surround the monstrosity. A hideous archdemon appears to be extraordinarily strong. He weighs about 625 pounds. He has a great resistance to excorable damage. He has a moderate weakness to divinus damage. He is loyal to the Grand Province of Magnagora.
*'''a malevolent demon''' - This creature stands seven feet tall, with huge wings and a long sinuous tail. Its hairless body is jet black, the colour of pure night. Two blazing red eyes stand out from its skin, and white, pointed teeth decorate its evil grin. The creature slouches as it walks, long claws ready to rend the bones from the unwary innocents in its path. A malevolent demon is quite powerful. He weighs about 171 pounds. He has a great resistance to excorable damage. He has a moderate weakness to divinus damage. He is loyal to the Grand Province of Magnagora.
*'''a malevolent demon''' - This creature stands seven feet tall, with huge wings and a long sinuous tail. Its hairless body is jet black, the colour of pure night. Two blazing red eyes stand out from its skin, and white, pointed teeth decorate its evil grin. The creature slouches as it walks, long claws ready to rend the bones from the unwary innocents in its path. A malevolent demon is quite powerful. He weighs about 171 pounds. He has a great resistance to excorable damage. He has a moderate weakness to divinus damage. He is loyal to the Grand Province of Magnagora.
*'''a sensuous fiend''' - The creature that stands here is striking in its looks. A dark skinned humanoid, it has a long tail and two huge wings that wrap tight to its back. Although effeminate in looks, the creature is clearly asexual. Fine black hair billows around its head, accenting its pure red eyes and sharp white teeth. A sensuous fiend is quite powerful. She weighs about 100 pounds. She has a great resistance to excorable damage. She has a moderate weakness to divinus damage. She is loyal to the Grand Province of Magnagora.
*'''a squat imp''' - This creature is a shrunken humanoid with black skin, horns and a long tail. Its hands have sharp, spiked claws, whilst its feet are small and pointed. Two small wings protrude from its back. Its face is thin and twisted, prominent veins throbbing around bright red eyes and pointed teeth. A squat imp is not one to be trifled with. He weighs about 60 pounds. He has a great resistance to excorable damage. He has a moderate weakness to divinus damage. He is loyal to the Grand Province of Magnagora.
*'''a squat imp''' - This creature is a shrunken humanoid with black skin, horns and a long tail. Its hands have sharp, spiked claws, whilst its feet are small and pointed. Two small wings protrude from its back. Its face is thin and twisted, prominent veins throbbing around bright red eyes and pointed teeth. A squat imp is not one to be trifled with. He weighs about 60 pounds. He has a great resistance to excorable damage. He has a moderate weakness to divinus damage. He is loyal to the Grand Province of Magnagora.
*'''a wight''' - Ribbons of darkly floating shrouds cover a wight, whose face is in a permanent rictus of hatred and loathing. The eyes protrude as if they are about to pop out of their sockets, the white orbs crisscrossed with webs of broken veins. Bleached white hands that end in clawed nails stick out from the mass of waving shrouds. It resembles someone whom you cannot quite place. A wight looks to be crushingly strong. He weighs about 168 pounds.
*'''a wight''' - Ribbons of darkly floating shrouds cover a wight, whose face is in a permanent rictus of hatred and loathing. The eyes protrude as if they are about to pop out of their sockets, the white orbs crisscrossed with webs of broken veins. Bleached white hands that end in clawed nails stick out from the mass of waving shrouds. It resembles someone whom you cannot quite place. A wight looks to be crushingly strong. He weighs about 168 pounds.