Difference between revisions of "Prime Material Plane"

1,101 bytes added ,  00:04, 10 July 2022
This needed more info and more structure.
m (Continent is actually named Icewynds and not Icewynd.)
(This needed more info and more structure.)
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The Prime Material Plane is the largest region of Lusternia. It is home to the cosmically important locations of Avechna's Peak and the Portal of Fate.
The '''Prime Material Plane''' is the largest region of [[Lusternia]].

Known Continents:<br>
==Known Continents==
::[[The Basin of Life]]<br>
===[[The Basin of Life]]===
::[[Mount Dio]]<br>
Being surrounded by mountain ranges on the outside and having the [[Inner Sea]] and [[Sea of Despair]] in the center, the Basin of Life is the inhabitable, bowl-shaped region that its name implies. It is home to the cosmically important locations of [[Avechna's Peak]] and the [[Portal of Fate]], along with all the major [[Playerorgs|Cities and Communes]] of the current era.
::[[The Undervault]]<br>
===[[Mount Dio]]===
A mountain that is home to the [[Spire of Dionamus]], a powerful [[Vernal Artifact]].
===[[The Undervault]]===
A giant network of large caverns and winding tunnels directly below the Basin. Original home of the [[kephera]] and [[illithoid]] races.
A harsh arctic region. The [[Northern Icewynd Mountains|Northern]] and [[Southern Icewynd Mountains]] encircle the [[Iceburn Plains]].
A refuge dating back to the [[Vernal Wars]], it became a flashpoint during the [[War of the Wheel]].
===wasteland beyond===
The wastes outside the Basin are inaccessible and inhospitable. There are some, such as the [[Horizon Walkers]], who venture out undaunted.
*[[Jojobo Jungle]] exists somewhere in the wasteland. Sustained by the [[Holy Sunpride Baobab]].

Travel between continents can be quite difficult and is often done through the use of gates to the adjacent Ethereal Plane, curios or artifacts.
==Intercontinental Travel==
Travel between continents can be quite difficult and is often done through the use of [[Planar#Gateweave|adventurer-maintained gate]]s to the adjacent [[Ethereal Plane]], [[curio]]s or [[artifact]]s.

[[Category: Planescape]]
[[Category: Planescape]]
