Goon Squad

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Goon Squad
The Big Mouth
Guild Champion:
Guild Administrator:
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The People have their voice in Gaudiguch, and that voice, the great mob, has formed enough of a faction to have voice on the Freedom Council. Derisively termed the Goon Squad by their detractors, this group of patriotic malcontents have reclaimed the title, and style themselves the only true voices of the free citizens of Gaudiguch.

While the Squad is known for rioting, bad behavior, and being a disorganized collection of both discontent citizens and thugs, it (perhaps surprisingly) shows a distinct organization and a distinct commitment to freedom and the ideals of revolution. The Five Sacred Flames - those of life, passion, knowledge, and even enlightenment and eternity, all find expression here.

Nowhere is passion more obvious than the short temper of a Goon on behalf of a fellow injured Goon. While they may be prone to corrective violence inside of the ranks, aggression and interference from outside of the Squad tends to result in a strangely unified and organized band of Goons appearing on the doorstep of the offending party.

The elected leaders of the Goon Squad are surprisingly canny at their negotiations. Woe be to him that assumes a Goon is nothing more than the thug hired to collect on a debt - the Goon Squad contains expert negotiators, expert craftsmen, and revolutionary idealists whose manifestos and monologues have stirred the riots in which the politics of Gaudiguch may be remade overnight. The Goon Squad claims that to offend the Goon Squad is to offend the people of Gaudiguch - and given the evidence, this may well be correct.