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One of the few remaining Elder Gods of the First Circle, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted, was once known for His work with the Hamadhi. Both healers and caretakers of the Half-Formed, those infant Elder Gods that had not yet reached adulthood when Dynara and Magnora left to search for the Nameless Son, Eventru was among those of the First Circle to ensure they were kept within their creche, and later to lend His assistance during the Elder Wars in the healing of those who took to battle. While many Elders partake in the love of battle, Eventru has always remained one of observation and support, stepping to the fore to give directives and guidance to those who offer aid to the combatants, while staying out of the vanguard of the charge.

The glorious Exalted (by Saaga)
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted
Circle Leaders
Symbols An amphora set against a bed of olive branches; a golden crown resting atop an amphora; a golden crown resting atop a bed of olive branches
Order Head(s) Lorina, Faragan, Gyorn, Ilyarin, Veyrzhul
Allies Terentia
Enemies Fain
Patronage New Celest, Celestines, Aquamancers, Tahtetso

As the traitorous acts of Fain and His followers are always weighing heavy on His mind, Eventru holds a deep hatred for all things marred by the Soulless, and often times forbids any from speaking of them in His presence. As a Leader of Healers, He has always held the belief that the manipulation of the natural pathways that each Elder God was formed with, or in the instance of mortals born with, was dangerous at best, and tantamount to blasphemy at worst. Though He does not hold those who fan their divine spark in poor light, He most certainly despises those touched by the Taint or other forms of Soulless corruption, whether intentional or not.

For those seeking to follow the Crown of the Exalted, He holds them to four virtues: Loyalty, Courage, Pride and Purity. For without Purity of the soul and body, one cannot have Pride in themselves. Without Pride in ones deeds, one cannot have Courage in defending them, and without Courage, one has but fear and self-loathing, and with fear, there is only dissent.


Lord Eventru, Crown of the Exalted (by Lorina)