
From Archives of Lusternian Lore
Revision as of 03:42, 15 December 2021 by Hinic (talk | contribs) (changed the Cimtri line since that information is now in Cimtri's own page.)
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Il'garala, called Stalker of the Woods and the Earthburner, was a Vernal Goddess.

  • Said to have come from taurian stock originally however she is described as having spiral ram horns.
  • Known for making hearthstones, primarily in the wilderness, to lure and harm the Soulless Gods.
    • Her destructive hearthstones drew upon and consumed fae spirits and the surrounding nature in the process of striking a blow against the Soulless. This approach is how she earned her "Earthburner" epithet.
  • Was followed and aided by Cimtri, a mortal elfen who became her oracle.
  • Together with her sister, Il'vania, she helped Shallah give her heart to the krokani of Lirangsha and the Order of Shallah.
  • Worked with Il'vania to create two hearthstones in Mornhai Sanctuary and connect them to that place's ethereal healing mound.
  • May have died trying to rescue Il'vania after a battle with Kethuru went very badly.
