
Revision as of 01:21, 10 August 2012 by Enyalida (talk | contribs) (Fixed.)
Composition Master You may compose songs expressing your own creativity.
Sustain Master The ability to maintain a song.
DrinkinglSong Master Share a merry drink with your friends.
FireForte Master + 33% Guard yourself against fire.
DiscordantChord Master +66% This painful chord shall crush the disharmonic soul.
Stumbling Gifted Uh oh! Someone should take some dancing lessons.
AlcoholFumes Gifted +25% You're such a boozer, people get drunk just being near you!
Refrain Gifted+ 50% A musical structure that allows repetition of a stanza.
Reprise Gifted +75% A musical structure that allows reversal of a stanza.
ChaosChord Expert This chaotic chord embodies the spirit of Gaudiguch.
StrangeTrip Expert +33% Where am I? What's going on!
YaikoYaiko Expert +66% Pink elephants and giant ducks are not good omens.
MidnightMinuet Expert +75% Your listeners shall have to dance, albeit badly.
CaptiveAudience Virtuoso Both friends and enemies hear nothing but your songs.
PurpleHaze Virtuoso +25% The purple haze will bring with it hallucinations.
Cabaret Virtuoso +50% A lively uptempto tune to raise the spirits.
MorningStar Virtuoso +75% A rousing composition by Tetra Alin'dor.
ShotNote Fabled Get someone seriously intoxicated!
FireFugue Fabled +25% A passionate tune to make their blood boil.
Jamboree Fabled +50% Refresh the mind with a boisterous celebration.
BurningPower Fabled +75% Draw energy from your burning environment.
Encore Mythical Play a rousing encore performance.
anCan Mythical +25% Watch where you kick!
DrunkenFool Mythical +50% Dare someone to do something they might regret.
Jitterbug Mythical + 75% Let the jitterbug into your brain.
Rave Transcendent This energetic tune will make someone dance til they drop.