
Revision as of 16:43, 7 May 2015 by Enyalida (talk | contribs) (Updating affs to new cures)
Affliction Diagnosis Cure Effect
Ablaze ablaze. Frost; Cleanse; Freeze; staying in water Causes damage periodically. Increases damage of some skills.
Absinthe feeling good with absinthe flowing in the blood. passage of time Significant boost for dreamweavers, but causes bad trips otherwise.
Achromatic Aura afflicted with an achromatic aura. Steam Increases damage 10% from all charisma-sourced attacks.
Addiction addicted to potions. Lucidty; Focus Mind Doubles length of sip balance.
Aeon afflicted with the curse of the Aeon. Steam; passage of time (15s) Causes a one-second delay before actions take effect; another action during that time will preclude the previous one. Prevented by the Quicksilver defense.
Afterimage suffering from a dazzling afterimage. Passage of time: 20 seconds Prevents raising the sixth sense defense.
Amnesia suffering from amnesia. None One command entered doesn't take effect.
Amputated Limb without a left/right arm/leg. Regeneration Prevents many actions that require the limb, such as standing, movement, and tumbling. When cured, the new limb is mangled.
Anorexia anorexic. Smoke coltsfoot; Focus mind Victim cannot eat or drink, including cures.
Antlers afflicted by the Antlers sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Reduced dexterity
Anxious feeling anxious in a debate. Attitude Saintly; Rub Focus Makes victim more vulnerable to pettifoggery.
Asthma afflicted by horrible asthma. Apply melancholic to chest Victim cannot smoke pipes. Swift movement causes damage.
Attraction attracted to <person>. Temporarily alleviated by deafness (Earwort), removed by leaving the room. Prevents the victim from voluntarily leaving the bard's presence.
Aura Warp suffering under a warped aura of infirmity. Leave the room, then Reishi or Focus Spirit Periodically causes periods of Homeostasis.
Bad Luck cursed by bad luck. passage of time Percent chance of failure when using FOCUS MIND, dealing levels of temporary insanity based on current mental afflictions.
Bad Trip having a bad trip. passage of time Spams victim with odd visions.
BatBane cursed with Bat Bane. 60 seconds Increases damage from attacks caused by sound.
Bedevil plagued by a bedeviling sickness. Leave, then Focus Spirit When you cure one affliction, other afflictions replace it.
Binah surrounded by the Binah Sphere. Focus Spirit; passage of time Reduces constitution.
Black Lung coughing up dreadful black phlegm. Melancholic to chest Steals balance occasionally.
Blackout devoid of senses. Allheale has chance to cure, passage of time Blocks seeing the prompt and most messages.
Blindness blind. Myrtle; Faeleaf; Health to head Can't see anything, including targets, unless Sixth Sense defense is up. Protects against many visual attacks such as illusions.
Blood Clot afflicted with a blood clot in the left/right shoulder/hip. Yarrow Prevents curing blood vessels.
Broken Chest suffering from a broken chest. Arnica to chest Drains endurance.
Broken Jaw suffering from a broken jaw. Mending to head Causes a small amount of damage on eating and drinking.
Broken Limb afflicted by a crippled left/right arm/leg. Mending Prevents actions that require the limb, such as attacks or movement. Can cause items to be unwielded.
Broken Nose suffering a broken nose. Arnica to head Causes some bleeding, and prevents snorting wiccan spores. Deals a short stun.
Broken Wrist suffering a broken left/right wrist. Mending to arms Causes unwielding and prevents wielding.
Bubble trapped inside a bubble. passage of time Prevents most actions and protects against most attacks.
Bumblebee afflicted by the Bumblebee sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Slows focus body time.
Burns afflicted with sunburnt, red skin (first degree burns).

afflicted with superficial blistering (second degree burns). afflicted with charred flesh (third degree burns). afflicted with deeply charred flesh and muscles (fourth degree burns).

Apply liniment Periodic damage. Pre-requisite levels of skin damage which affect the abilities of the Pyromancers.
Burning Censer afflicted by the Burning Censer sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Increased vulnerability to asphyxiation damage.
Burnout suffering from psionic/ecologic/healing burnout. passage of time Prevents using the relevant skills.
Burst Organs suffering from massive organ failure. Regeneration to gut Kills in twelve seconds if not cured.
Burst Vessels suffering <number> burst blood vessels. Sparkleberry; Health Lots of bleeding; makes you vulnerable to Telekinesis instakill.
Captivation captivated by the music of <person>. Earwort; Leaving the room for 6 seconds The victim is only affected by the captivating bard's song effects, not those of other bards. Music attacks still work as usual.
Chest Pain experiencing heavy chest pain. Regeneration to chest Prepares the victim for Gahtirak'sho (see Tahtetso).
Circuitous confounded by circuitous logic in a debate. Attitude Zealotry; Rub Focus Makes victim more vulnerable to pontification.
Clamped Arm clamped on the [left/right] arm by a hound's jaws. Writhe Prevents many actions, especially those using that arm.
Cloud Coils strangled by [#] coils of cloud. Smoke faeleaf Each coil applies a stacking eq/bal penalty. Prerequisite for instakill.
Clumsiness afflicted with clumsiness. Lucidity Makes warriors and monks miss more often and do less damage. Parry is also less effective.
Collapsed Lungs suffering from collapsed lungs. Regeneration to chest Causes blackout periodically. Prevents smoking pipes. When cured, the lungs are punctured.
Collapsed Nerves suffering from a collapsed left/right arm nerve. Regeneration to arms Periodically causes epilepsy.
Concussion has a serious concussion. Regeneration to head Periodically causes amnesia. When cured, the head is still damaged.
Confusion confused. Lucidity; Focus Mind Doubles equilibrium recovery time, stops CONCENTRATE.
Cracked Elbow inflicted with a cracked left/right elbow. Regeneration to arms Makes Combat parries not take effect.
Cracked Kneecap inflicted with a cracked left/right kneecap. Regeneration to legs MakesCombat stances not take effect.
Crocodile afflicted by the Crocodile sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Increased vulnerability to physical damage.
Crucified crucified. Writhe Can't do most actions. Periodically breaks limbs.
Crushed Chest suffering a crushed chest. Regeneration to chest Drains endurance quickly.
Crushed Foot limping on a crushed left/right foot. Arnica to legs Slows movement.
Crushed Windpipe muted by a crushed windpipe. Myrtle; Arnica to head Prevents speaking, and eating and drinking.
Damaged Head has a partially damaged head. Regeneration to head Periodically causes concussion.
Dark Moon under the curse of the dark moon. Focus Spirit; passage of time Periodically strips defenses or causes disease afflictions.
Darkseed afflicted with the darkseed implanted beneath the skin. 30 seconds Periodically entangles and causes damage.
Deadening of a deadened mind. Kombu Slows the recovery of focus balance.
Dead Reckoning cursed to suffer the reckoning of the dead by <God>. passage of time Victim is haunted by the dead who randomly attack, insult, knock down, and spam the victim, or cause him to do or say stupid things.
Deafness deaf. Myrtle; Earwort; Health to head Prevents hearing speech and channels, and periodically causes dizziness, except with Truehearing defense. Protects against musical attacks.
Death afflicted by death. Pray For Salvation There’s usually only one thing you can do: go through his clothes and look for loose change.
Death Mark marked by a small stain/murky blotch/dark mark/jagged scar/black miasma on the throat. Cleanse Various effects including slower crucify writhing and more vulnerability to contagion. See Necromancy.
Dionamus cursed by the Spire of Dionamus. Counterquest Reduces the effect of Mercy, Perfection, and Beauty enchantments
Disembowelment disemboweled. Regeneration to gut Kills in twelve seconds if not cured.
Dislocated Limb suffering from a dislocated left/right arm/leg. Marjoram Causes deep wounds to increase passively.
Disloyalty emanating an aura of repugnance. Steam Prevents ordering loyal denizens, and causes them to attack the victim.
Dolphin afflicted by the Dolphin sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Reduces intelligence.
Dragon afflicted by the Dragon sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Increased vulnerability to magical damage.
Dysentery suffering from a bad bout of dysentery. Wafer Periodically causes equilibrium loss. Also causes stink.
Earache suffering from the effects of blank note. 6-8 seconds Prevents raising the Truehearing defense.
Ectoplasm covered in ectoplasm. Cleanse Slows the recovery of balance.
Egovice cursed by ego vice. Steam Causes health damage whenever ego is used or damaged.
Enfeeble enfeebled. passage of time Reduces strength.
Entanglement entangled. Writhe Can't do most actions.
Epilepsy suffering from epilepsy. Lucidity; Focus Mind Periodically steals balance.
Eyepeck without a left/right eye. Regeneration to head Causes bleeding. If both eyes are lost, victim is blind and cannot cure blindness until the eyes are regrown.
Fear afflicted by fear. Compose Periodically moves you in random directions.
Fleshstone turned into a statue. passage of time Prevents most actions and protects against most attacks.
Fractured Arm suffering from a fractured left/right arm. Arnica to arms Slows recovery of arm balance.
Fractured Skull suffering from a fractured skull. Mending to head One third of commands fail to take effect.
Frozen frozen stiff. Fire Slows movement. When cured, victim is still shivering.
Furrowed Brow bleeding through a furrowed brow. Sanguine Bleeding, plus periodic blindness.
Gashed Cheek twitching in the face due to a gash. Marjoram Periodically steals balance.
Glacier afflicted by the Glacier sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Increased vulnerability to cold damage.
Grappled grappled by <person>. Writhe Prevents most actions. Requirement for many Kata attacks.
Gunk covered in vile sticky gunk. Cleanse Slows movement, and prevents movement over rubble.
Haemophilia afflicted by haemophilia. Wafer Prevents clotting.
Hallucinations hallucinating. Lucidity Periodically stuns, causes fear, or sprawls.
Haunted haunted by the spirit/spirits of <number> of <person>'s ancestors. Leave the bard's presence No effect, but allows the bard to entangle, summon, damage, stun, or afflict the victim.
Healthleech cursed with the healthleech. Steam Drains health to random passersby.
Hemiplegy paralysed on the left/right side/lower body. Myrtle Hinders many actions on that side of the body.
HerbBane cursed with Herb Bane. 60 seconds Causes a 50% chance the body will reject any herb, draining health instead.
Heretic marked with the aura of a heretic. passage of time Periodically gives random afflictions. Prepares victim for Sacraments Inquisition.
Homeostasis ravaged by an imbalanced homeostasis. Cure Aura Warp Prevents all cures from working.
HypnoticPattern bewitched by hypnotic patterns of lights. Dispel Illusion; passage of time Periodically steals equilibrium.
Illusory Wounds plagued by illusory wounds. Dispel Illusion; passage of time Causes victim to seem more damaged than he really is.
Impaled impaled through the gut. Writhe Can't do most actions. Periodically causes bleeding and damage.
Impatience impatient. Coltsfoot; Focus Mind Prevents focusing other than focusing mind.
Infidel marked with the aura of an infidel. Focus Spirit; passage of time Periodically gives random afflictions. Prepares victim for Sacraments Inquisition.
Infiltration being infiltrated. None Allows caster to hear city/commune and guild aethers of victim.
Insomnia an insomniac. Coltsfoot Prevents sleeping. Usually considered a defense.
Jinx cursed with a powerful jinx. cure other mental afflictions, then Reishi One third chance of commands failing to happen.
Kneeling kneeling. Stand; Springup; almost any action Prevents stances and parrying.
Lacerated Limb suffering from a lacerated left/right arm/leg. Yarrow Increases bleeding.
Lapsing Consciousness afflicted by lapses in consciousness. Allheale Periodically causes Unconsciousness.
Lion afflicted by the Lion sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Decreased charisma.
Locked Legs suffering locked leg muscles. Focus Body Prevents actions that use the legs.
Locked Throat suffering a locked throat. Focus Body Prevents eating and drinking.
Loophole trapped by a loophole in a debate. Attitude Lawyerly; Rub Focus Makes victim more vulnerable to passion.
Love Potion under the influence of a love potion. Choleric Periodically causes victim to lust (forced ally) random passersby, or them to lust the victim.
Luminosity surrounded by a colourful light. Steam Luminosity will reveal actions you make while invisible or shrouded.
Maggotting cursed as a revolting maggot by <God>. passage of time Replaces your race with the Maggot race with 1 in all stats.
Manabarbs cursed by mana barbs. Steam Any use or loss of mana will cause health damage as well.
Mangled Limb has a mangled left/right arm/leg. Regeneration Prevents most use of the limb. When cured, limb is still broken.
Mangled Tongue muted by a mangled tongue. Marjoram Prevents speech and singing.
Mud covered in sticky mud. Cleanse Slows movement.
Muted cut off from communication. leave 5 room radius from caster, or when caster unlocks the channel Victim cannot speak or communicate.
Numbed Limbs has a numbed head/chest/gut/left/right arm/leg. Health to limb Slows balance recovery of the afflicted limb.
Omen under an ill omen. 20 seconds; Focus Spirit Doubles all suffered damage.
Open Chest suffering a chest that has been opened up. Marjoram Slows balance recovery, and causes bleeding.
Open Gut suffering from a sliced open gut. Marjoram Periodically knocks down, and causes bleeding.
Pacifism pacified. Reishi; Focus Mind Pacifism will render you inable to cause harm to another.
Papaxi health/mana/ego cursed by Papaxi. 120 seconds; Focus Spirit Reduces maximum health, mana, or ego.
Paralysis paralysed. Wafer; Focus Body Unable to move, attack, or do many actions.
Paranoia paranoid. Lucidity; Focus Mind Causes allies to be treated as enemies. Also begins adding those present to the ENEMIES list.
Permasleep lost in the dreamrealm. passage of time Prevents awakening.
Phantom plagued by an illusory phantom. Dispel Illusion; passage of time Periodically gives mental afflictions.
Phantomspheres a host to <number> phantom sphere/spheres. leaving the caster's meld for 10 seconds per sphere Causes mental afflictions; strips shields; detonates to hurt the mage's enemies; instantly kills once victim has five spheres.
Pierced Limb suffering from a pierced left/right arm/leg. Myrtle Periodically knocks down or causes items to be unwielded.
Pinched Nerve has stiff face/chest/gut/left/right arm muscles. Marjoram Slows different curing balances depending on the affected body part.
Pinned Leg pinned at the left/right leg. Writhe Can't do most actions. Periodically causes bleeding and damage.
Plague suffering from a severely warped aura. Healers radiating purity Prevents most cures.
Powersap being sapped of power. Wafer Periodically drains active power.
Powerspikes cursed by power spikes. Steam Any use of power causes significant damage.
Pox suffering from a pox. Wafer Periodically causes damage and drains mana.
Punctured Chest suffering from a punctured chest. Marjoram Periodically blacks out, and causes bleeding.
Punctured Lung suffering from a punctured lung. Melancholic to chest Quickly drains endurance.
Rainbow Pattern beset by dazzling rainbow coloured patterns. Dispel Illusion; passage of time Periodically gives afflictions.
Recklessness reckless. Lucidity; Focus Mind Health, mana, and ego appear to be at full.
Rigormortis turning stiff like a corpse. Wafer Periodically breaks limbs.
Roped bound and tied. Writhe Prevents most actions.
Ruptured Stomach suffering from a ruptured stomach. Regeneration to gut Increases hunger level, and causes bleeding.
Sap covered in viscous sap. Cleanse Causes a half-second delay before actions take effect; another action during that time will preclude the previous one.
Scabies infected with scabies mites. Wafer Periodically steals balance; can be transmitted to others nearby.
Scalped scalped. Sanguine Causes a lot of bleeding. When cured, victim has a sliced forehead.
Scarabs none 60 seconds Becomes active and inactive repeatedly; while active, prevents eating and drinking, and causes damage.
Scrambled Brains has a scrambled brain. Pennyroyal Significantly increases willpower drains.
Sensitivity sensitive to pain. Lucidity Increases damage suffered by 33%.
Severed Artery suffering from a severed artery in the left/right arm/leg. Yarrow Periodically increases bleeding.
Severed Phrenic Nerve having difficulty breathing due to a severed phrenic nerve. Myrtle Increases endurance drains. Prevents some smoked cures from working.
Severed Spine immobile due to a severed spine. Regeneration to gut Prevents most actions like paralysis.
Shackles shackled. Writhe Prevents most actions.
Shattered Ankle limping with a shattered left/right ankle. Regeneration to legs Prevents standing and hinders movement.
Shattered Ego with a shattered ego. 10 minutes Prevents influencing, debating, and diverting.
Shattered Jaw suffering from a shattered jaw. Regeneration to head Eating or drinking causes bleeding. When cured, victim has a broken jaw.
Shivering shivering. Fire Slows movement.
Shrubbing cursed as a small shrubbery. None Victim can do little other than handle messages and rustle.
Sickening sickened by an unusual illness. Wafer Reduces effectiveness of healing, mana, and bromide potions.
Sightstealer a host to a phantom sightstealer. Dispel Illusion; passage of time Allows the caster to see through the victim's eyes and send afflictions remotely.
Skull afflicted by the Skull sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Reduces constitution.
Sleep sleeping. Wake Prevents most actions; victim won't see some things happening around them.
Sliced Bicep inflicted with a sliced left/right bicep. Marjoram Weakens damage of weapons used in that hand.
Sliced Ear missing the left/right ear. Marjoram Periodically causes vertigo. When cured, victim might gain deafness.
Sliced Forehead suffering from a sliced open forehead. Yarrow Reduces accuracy of weapon attacks; causes some bleeding.
Sliced Tendon suffering from a sliced tendon in the left/right leg. Regeneration to legs Prevents standing and Combat stances, and slows movement.
Sliced Thigh inflicted with a sliced left/right thigh. Marjoram Periodically knocks down.
Slickness extremely oily. Calamus; Cleanse Prevents applying salves and arnica.
Slit Throat suffering from a slit throat. Mending to head Prevents speaking, eating, and drinking.
SnakeBane cursed with Snake Bane. 60 seconds Decreases chance to shrug poisons.
Snapped Rib pained by a snapped rib. Arnica to chest Slows equilibrium recovery; causes bleeding when balance is used.
Spider afflicted by the Spider sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Slows writhing.
Sprawled sprawled on the ground. Stand; Springup Prevents movement and some actions.
Stars seeing illusory stars. Dispel Illusion; passage of time Spams victim with stars.
Stun stunned. passage of time Prevents all actions.
Stupidity unnaturally stupid. Lucidity; Focus Mind 33% chance that commands will be replaced by random emotes or other actions.
Succumb succumbing to Mother Moon. Reishi Periodically drains mana.
Thornlash left/right arm/leg lashed in thorny vines. Writhe; Ignite Slows arm balance; causes bleeding on movement; prevents flight; slows movement; if all four limbs are lashed, allows an instakill.
Thoughtstealer a host to a phantom thoughtstealer. Dispel Illusion; passage of time Allows the caster to hear what the victim hears.
Toadcurse cursed into the shape of a toad. being kissed; passage of time Strips all defenses; unable to do anything except move and ribbit; vulnerable to being stomped.
Transfixed transfixed. Writhe Prevents most actions.
Treebane hated by the trees. Focus Spirit; passage of time Periodically thrown to ground level when in the trees, with a chance to have limbs broken.
Trembling trembling weakly. Melancholic to chest Significantly increases endurance drain.
Tripping tripping hard. passage of time Has a chance of causing a Bad Trip.
Trussed tightly trussed up. Writhe Prevents most actions.
Twin Crystals afflicted by the Twin Crystals sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Increased vulnerability to psychic damage.
Twisted Limbs has a twisted left/right arm/leg. Mending to limb Periodically increases deep wounds.
Unconsciousness unconscious. passage of time, or being attacked Prevents most actions; victim won't see some things happening around them.
Vapors stricken by the vapors. Kombu; Melancholic to head Periodically gives blackout and knocks down.
Void infected with a parasite of the dreaming. Pennyroyal; Focus Mind High chance of commands failing to take effect.
Volcano afflicted by the Volcano sphere. variable amount of time; have opposing sphere cast on you Increased vulnerability to fire damage.
Vomiting violently ill. Wafer Causes damage and extends balance or equilibrium loss.