Celestia is the plane of the Light, a pristinely beautiful plane where love and holiness pervade its very essence. Angelic beings reside here ruled by the Holy Supernals of Celestia. Supreme among them is Elohora, Lady of Light, who believes all mortals have an inner Light of truth, beauty and love that must be fanned and encouraged. She is eternally forgiving and utterly pure and blessed. The Celestines are the guardians of Celestia and try to be true to these teachings.

At the center of Celestia is a reflection of the Pool of Stars, the Nexus of New Celest's power. White sands cover the ground here, while more lush landscapes can be found in all four compass directions.

Notable Denizens

  • Frobellon, the Celestial Groom - Frobellon appears as a tall man with a mane of silver hair and lustrous bronzed skin. Though there is an aura of the angelic that surrounds him, he has no wings and wears simple clothes of well-worn leather. A heavy black leather belt is tied around his waist from which hangs a curry comb, a soft-bristled brush, various grooming picks, and other supplies of a common groom. A golden bridle is slung across one shoulder, and he constantly searches the skies above. He carries himself with great ease and has a gentle presence about him. For the sum of 140,000 gold, he will sell you a pegasus foal.


The Eternal Spring of Hope

Clear, sparkling water springs from a small hole in a sand covered rock, flowing in gentle streams along the white sand to seep into the thirsty ground. The gushing water laughs and leaps, capturing the brilliant light from the surroundings and giving it off again in a dazzling mist. All around the spring, small desert plants sprout up with vivid flowers, cherishing this chance to live and grow.

The Inner Sanctum of Security

The Divine Court of Immaculate Judgements

The Golden Forge of the Holy Flame

The Glowing Arbour of Rapturous Adoration

Found relatively north of the Pool of Stars on the plane of Celestia, the Arbour of Rapturous Adoration is surrounded by the enormous trees of a lush rainforest, where fruits of every kind - even those not typically grown in the sweltering heat of the jungle - can be found hanging from trees in this area.

The purity of the warmth that is felt in this holy grove radiates through every stem of nature here, from the short grasses that grow about the base to the great leaves of the Arbour. Shimmering pink wisps of light encircle the Arbour, feeding off of its love and protecting it from harm. No more than a step away from where the Arbour grows, a patch of brilliantly-coloured yellow daisies grow within a small rock garden. A place filled with overwhelming amounts of life and vitality, this Garden is safe haven to all those who serve the Light, and is considered the holy sanctuary of Raziela.

The Arbour is an elaborate twisting of thick vines with glossy green leaves that have molded themselves into a huge dome. Lush and exotic flowers splash their varying colours and hues in a brilliant display of manipulated nature. Their scent fills the gardens, rich and invoking a lightheaded feeling of rapture. A pink glow surrounds the Arbour, invoking a love that warms your heart. It weighs about 3125 pounds.

The Throne of Brilliance

Every last building block of the throne room of Elohora is made from the purest white marble, and etched and decorated with layers of gold leaf. A myriad of carved cherubs and angels decorate the long columns that follow on either side of the golden rug, stretching to the throne itself. Rows of gleaming armour, shining with radiant light line the walls of the massive hall. The surface of the throne itself swirls with many colours, as vibrant as one could ever possibly see. The throne's carved surface holds many millions of minute details, each of them representative of the planes of Elohora. An enormous window of stained glass hangs above the throne, depicting an archangel raising a sword on high. The sections of stained glass cover the entire area with a rainbow prism of colour. The blinding aura of warmth and holiness cuts through every soul that steps within this place, the hopes and wishes of each of the Holy Supernals filling them.



  • a beatific cherub -
  • a divine deva -
  • a seraphic angel -
  • a celestial archangel -

Flora and Fauna