Achromatic Aura

Revision as of 14:19, 27 June 2018 by Brauthik (talk | contribs)

Achromaticaura will increase all damage to you from the manabarbs or egovice afflictions.

Cured By: Soothing steam blend.
Afflicted Line: A screeching noise pierces your inner hearing.
Diagnose Line: afflicted with an achromatic aura.
Cured Line: The screeching fades away from your inner hearing.


  • 02-26-2018: Achromaticaura increases the damage done by manabarbs and egovice to 100% and is no longer a resistance debuff. (CHANGELOG #1302)
  • 12-06-2014: Achromaticaura was changed in the Combat Overhaul to be cured by soothing steam blend. (OVERHAUL NEWS #22)