Afflictions are a complex interlocking system of (mostly) detrimental effects inflicted by adventurer combat abilities and more powerful denizens. They are grouped according to how they are cured.
Mental Afflictions (Drink Lucidity Slush)
addiction | clumsiness | paranoia | temporaryinsanity |
allergies | confusion | recklessness | |
anorexia | epilepsy | sensitivity | |
ataxia | hallucinations | stupidity |
Spiritual Afflictions (Smoke Soothing Steam)
achromaticaura | deaf | healthleech | manabarbs | slickness |
aeon | disloyalty | jinx | pacifism | timewarp |
cloudcoils | egovice | luminosity | powerspikes | warpedaura |
Internal Afflictions (Eat, Purity Dust)
asthenia | deathmark | haemophilia | powersap | scabies |
asthma | dysentery | infestation | pox | shivering |
blind | frostbite | paralysis | relapsing | sickening |
clot | frozen | particulates | rigormortis | vomiting |
Physical Afflictions (Apply, Restorative Ice)
Restrictive Afflictions (Writhe)
clampedleftarm | entangled | hoisted |
clampedrightarm | gored | impaled |
crucified | grapple | transfixed |
Timed Afflictions (automatically expire)
Uniquely Cured Afflictions (various cure methods)
amnesia | asleep | disrupted | enfeeble | fear | lust | sprawled |
Cleanse Cured Afflictions (cleanse/scrub)
mucus | muddy |