
Revision as of 22:01, 26 September 2009 by Nott (talk | contribs)

This page is for the chroniclers to try things out in. Feel free to put any code you like below so other chroniclers can look it over before it's copied and pasted into real pages. Never link to this file... it's bad enough that the Recent changes and Random page links can get people here!

Nott -- WIP

Estarra, the Eternal
Circle None
Symbols None
Allies None
Enemies None
Order Name None
Temples None

On this side of the page would include the HELP file for the God in question -- similar to the Scrying Pool and Xiel's Website.

Alacardael WIP - This is a template for an organization page, which includes the basic information of that organization (a quick-view type snippet). It's a table that floats on the right side of the page.

Listing current villages seems like a nightmare to maintain, you want to update it after every revolt? - Lendren

I could update it after revolts, sure. This is going to use the template feature, so editing it should be fairly easy. I can also omit it, of course. What do you think? -Alacardael

Add: This is a initial layout for the Glomdoring page.

Glomdoring, the Heart of Darkness
Leader Talan
Shadow Court Ishant, Crek, Sadhyra, Tau, Xenthos
Patron Nocht
Divine Pantheon Viravain, Nocht, Shikari
Political Structure Religious
Governance Style Despotic
Villages Stewartsville, Delport, Southgard, Angkrag, Paavik
Sprawled across the southeastern hills lays the foreboding Glomdoring forest. It is a place where shadows live and nightmares manifest. Those who venture uninvited returned shaken, mumbling incoherently of monsters of thorn and soil, horrors of shadow. Under the malevolent gaze of Crow and Mother Night the community of Glomdoring has come to name the place home. Within its shadowy borders, five guilds came to existence: The Shadowdancers, Blacktalon, Ebonguard, Harbingers, and Nekotai. Together they work as a single unit to spread the glory of their forest throughout the Basin, personifying the wrath and power that are Glomdoring. Weakness is not tolerated and total loyalty is demanded. Those weak of heart and mind have nothing to seek in the forest of no mercy.


The Black Tower

Rising high among the trees of the Glomdoring forest is the Black Tower. Set on the northeastern part of the forest, it houses the different needs of the trades of the commune as well as a number of other important places and artifacts such as the Arcane Library of Glomdoring and the Chamber of Night. At the peak of the Tower is Night's Needle, wrought from crimson chitin and houses the astrolabe of the forest.

Spider's Larder

Silky webs coat the glade at the center of the Glomdoring with the various creatures of the forest converging on this spot. Deadly black widow spiders lurk on the branches of the trees while vipers slither on the undergrowth. As the geographical center of the forest, the Larder serves as the crossroads to many avenues leading to other important locations in the Glomdoring.


Temple of the Wyrd


Notable Denizens