
Revision as of 08:04, 20 June 2024 by Hinic (talk | contribs) (added green tea interaction)
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Rigormortis will leave your limbs stiffened and fragile, causing them to break periodically.

Cured By: Purity dust wafer.
Afflicted Line: Your muscles spasm and start to lock up.
Diagnose Line: turning stiff like a corpse.
Cured Line: Your muscles relax as the rigormortis subsides.

Caused By:



  • 03-27-2018: Rigormortis tick time has been changed from 3 seconds to 3 seconds for the first tick, and then 5 seconds for all subsequent ticks. Rigormortis tick chance has been increased from 50% to 100%. (CHANGELOG 1339)