Transplanar Cubix

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A transplanar cubix, also called a cubix or bix, is an artifact that permits travel to the Transcendental Fulcrux, a special room that connects with many other places.

For more information on where the rooms go, see the article on the Transcendental Fulcrux.

See also ASHOP 8 for the cubix and ASHOP 11 for the prism.


Bubblix are a series of artifacts that teleport the user directly to a specific room in a hard to reach area, or they teleport the user to The Aetherplex Chamber (6831) if the user is already in the area tied to the bubblix.

Example: TOUCH A worn, frosted angel figurine to teleport to Path to Iceburn Plains (23187) in Icewynd, or to The Atherplex if you are already in Icewynd.


Ashop # Name Area
444 An opaque twist of crystal Mount Dio
449 A dripping ball of mud Mucklemarsh
451 A doll's head Bottledowns
454 A mouldy length of a tibia Cankermore
455 A translucent icicle Frosticia
456 A whirring screwdriver Facility
457 A quartz gear wheel Dramube
458 A pulsing crystal shard Xion
459 A large, castle-shaped cookie Crumkindivia
460 A glowing emerald leaf Tree of Trees
466 A worn, frosted angel figurine Icewynd
594 A yellow submariner's periscope Aquagoria
1158 A blinking cerulean pebble Lyraa Ey Rielys


Each of the cities and communes has an Epic Quest that, once completed, awards a sacred object. Due to having cubix-like functionality, these are often called often called orgbixes.


Medallions received by Sealbearers of the Nine Seals behave similar to a transplanar cubix except the user initially arrives at The Hallways of Avechna, which connects to all the Seal caves on Avechna's Peak and down to the Higher Planar Fulcrux.

Exit Room Number
N Cave of Life 7335
NE Cave of War 7331
E Cave of Harmony 7329
SE Cave of Beauty 7333
S Cave of Death 7336
SW Cave of Justice 7332
W Cave of Chaos 7330
NW Cave of Knowledge 7328
IN Cave of Nature 7334
DOWN Higher Planar Fulcrux