Difference between revisions of "Krokani"

286 bytes added ,  05:22, 27 August 2022
Added Racial Emotes section.
(added RacePerks template)
(Added Racial Emotes section.)
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|Improved Trait: ''Sight beyond seeing''. Can perceive the world even when [[blind]]ed and they will be able to put up [[Discernment#Sixthsense|sixthsense]] more effectively. Krokani also have the ability to spot [[Tracking#Pit|pit]]s while entering or exiting a room, giving them a chance to step around and avoid them completely.
|Improved Trait: ''Sight beyond seeing''. Can perceive the world even when [[blind]]ed and they will be able to put up [[Discernment#Sixthsense|sixthsense]] more effectively. Krokani also have the ability to spot [[Tracking#Pit|pit]]s while entering or exiting a room, giving them a chance to step around and avoid them completely.
==Racial Emotes==
Being a krokani or wearing 'a navy-banded pin' (see <tt>ASHOP 778 INFO</tt>) grants access to these special emotes.
{| class="wikitable"
! Emote
! Pose
! Targetted Pose
|+Krokani Emotes
[[Category: Races]]
[[Category: Races]]
