Grand Aerie for Harmonious Refinement

The Grand Aerie for Harmonious Refinement
Quintessence of Refinement
Guild Champion:
Dignitaries of Harmony
Guild Administrator:
Voices of Composure
Associated with:

Founded by the Collective under the watchful eye of its Master Artists to encourage cultivation of the Higher Emotions, the Grand Aerie for Harmonious Refinement serves to further the ideals of the Collective by exemplifying beneficence and dignity, in word and action. Originally funded through the State, with donations by the Clarramore Family in memory of Jilai Clarramore, founder of the acclaimed Hallifaxian Opera Symphony, the Aerie subsequently received artistic resources and guidance regarding culture and etiquette from Hallifax's Master Artists. The Aerie's charter includes a mandate for altruistic endeavours, through which they disseminate their beliefs and ideals throughout and beyond the Collective. Through such altruism, performed in order to enact their vision of Harmony and Beauty, its members aim to transcend the mundane and to quiet the chaos of lesser communities by elevating all to their version of perfection.