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55 bytes removed ,  01:27, 13 September 2012
Updating to templated skilltable.
(Updating to templated skilltable.)
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{{SkillTableRow|ColourBurst|Master|0|A burst of prismatic colours confounds enemies.}}
|[[#ColourBurst|ColourBurst]]||Master||A burst of prismatic colours confounds enemies.
{{SkillTableRow|Glamour|Master|33|Conjure the beautiful appearance of another.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Conceal|Master|66|Rewrite that which pains your sight.}}
|[[#Glamour|Glamour]]||Master +33%||Conjure the beautiful appearance of another.
{{SkillTableRow|ColourSpray|Gifted|0|Bursts of rainbow colours conceal deadly powers.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Wall|Gifted|33|Hide exits with an illusory wall.}}
|[[#Conceal|Conceal]]||Master +66%||Rewrite that which pains your sight.
{{SkillTableRow|Fascination|Gifted|66|Allure and bedazzle with captivating illusions.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Fireworks|Expert|0|A harmless, though powerful, display over an entire area.}}
|[[#ColourSpray|ColourSpray]]||Gifted||Bursts of rainbow colours conceal deadly powers.
{{SkillTableRow|Manse|Expert|33|Partially create a real mansion for private discussions.}}
{{SkillTableRow|RainbowPattern|Expert|66|Weave a swirling pattern of beautiful colours.}}
|[[#Wall|Wall]]||Gifted +33%||Hide exits with an illusory wall.
{{SkillTableRow|Nature|Virtuoso|0|Fool even nature in the open air as a rock or a tree.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Flare|Virtuoso|33|Dazzling fountains of light will stun the eyes.}}
|[[#Fascination|Fascination]]||Gifted +66%||Allure and bedazzle with captivating illusions.
{{SkillTableRow|Mesmerize|Virtuoso|66|Your gentle, soothing visions lull others into slumber.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Statue|Fabled|0|Cast a glamour over yourself to appear as a statue.}}
|[[#Fireworks|Fireworks]]||Expert||A harmless, though powerful, display over an entire area.
{{SkillTableRow|HypnoticPattern|Fabled|33|Your audience will be unable to tear their eyes away.}}
{{SkillTableRow|LightSpray|Fabled|66|Reveal those who hide in shadow.}}
|[[#Manse|Manse]]||Expert +33%||Partially create a real mansion for private discussions.
{{SkillTableRow|IllusorySelf|Mythical|0|Conjure a powerful glamour to distract attackers.}}
{{SkillTableRow|ColourMaelstrom|Mythical|33|All shall know the unrivaled splendour of your glamours.}}
|[[#RainbowPattern|RainbowPattern]]||Expert +66%||Weave a swirling pattern of beautiful colours.
{{SkillTableRow|DeadlyPattern|Mythical|66|Enemies who watch this pattern will be left defenseless.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Maze|Transcendent|0|Create an illusory maze to banish your enemies.}}
|[[#Nature|Nature]]||Virtuoso||Fool even nature in the open air as a rock or a tree.
|[[#Flare|Flare]]||Virtuoso +33%||Dazzling fountains of light will stun the eyes.
|[[#Mesmerize|Mesmerize]]||Virtuoso +66%||Your gentle, soothing visions lull others into slumber.
|[[#Statue|Statue]]||Fabled||Cast a glamour over yourself to appear as a statue.
|[[#HypnoticPattern|HypnoticPattern]]||Fabled +33%||Your audience will be unable to tear their eyes away.
|[[#LightSpray|LightSpray]]||Fabled +66%||Reveal those who hide in shadow.
|[[#IllusorySelf|IllusorySelf]]||Mythical||Conjure a powerful glamour to distract attackers.
|[[#ColourMaelstrom|ColourMaelstrom]]||Mythical +33%||All shall know the unrivaled splendour of your glamours.
|[[#DeadlyPattern|DeadlyPattern]]||Mythical +66%||Enemies who watch this pattern will be left defenseless.
|[[#Maze|Maze]]||Transcendent||Create an illusory maze to banish your enemies.
[[Image:Glamours.jpg|thumb|Colourburst (by Balizar)]]
[[Image:Glamours.jpg|thumb|Colourburst (by Balizar)]]


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