Difference between revisions of "Cavalier"

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786 bytes added ,  01:37, 11 October 2021
Removed PunctureChest Added skillranks, SepticWound, Bellow. Updated Impale, JaggedWound, Skewer
(Removed PunctureChest Added skillranks, SepticWound, Bellow. Updated Impale, JaggedWound, Skewer)
Line 2: Line 2:
{{SkillTableRow|Polearms|Master|0|Master over the long-reaching polearm}}
{{SkillTableRow|Polearms|Master|0|Master over the long-reaching polearm}}
{{SkillTableRow|Steed|Unknown|?|Train and tend to your humble steed.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Steed|Master|0|Train and tend to your humble steed.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DoubleVision|Unknown|?|A strike to the head to leave one reckless.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DoubleVision|Master|25|A strike to the head to leave one reckless.}}
{{SkillTableRow|PunctureLung|Unknown|?|Make it difficult to breathe.}}
{{SkillTableRow|SpeticWound|Master|50|Sepsis will prevent a target from eating.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Tender|Unknown|?|Keep your mount in pristine condition.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Tender|Master|75|Keep your mount in pristine condition.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Ulcer|Unknown|?|Induce vomiting with a sharp blow to the gut.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Ulcer|Gifted|0|Induce vomiting with a sharp blow to the gut.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Cleave|Unknown|?|Strike through shields into flesh in one stroke.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Cleave|Gifted|25|Strike through shields into flesh in one stroke.}}
{{SkillTableRow|BreakArm|Unknown|?|Damage an opponent's arms.}}
{{SkillTableRow|BreakArm|Gifted|50|Damage an opponent's arms.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Sunder|Unknown|?|Brutally sweep through your enemy's guards.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Sunder|Gifted|75|Brutally sweep through your enemy's guards.}}
{{SkillTableRow|BreakLeg|Unknown|?|Damage an opponent's legs.}}
{{SkillTableRow|BreakLeg|Expert|0|Damage an opponent's legs.}}
{{SkillTableRow|KnockDown|Unknown|?|Send a person tumbling to the ground.}}
{{SkillTableRow|KnockDown|Expert|25|Send a person tumbling to the ground.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Warcry|Unknown|?|Bellow a furious roar to attract attention.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Warcry|Expert|50|Bellow a furious roar to attract attention.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Muster|Unknown|?|Muster your steed to your side.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Muster|Expert|75|Muster your steed to your side.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Mutilator|Unknown|?|Extra bleeding at the expense of bruising.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Mutilator|Virtuoso|0|Extra bleeding at the expense of bruising.}}
{{SkillTableRow|SteedCharge|Unknown|?|A relentless charge to separate your target from the pack.}}
{{SkillTableRow|SteedCharge|Virtuoso|16|A relentless charge to separate your target from the pack.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Guard|Unknown|?|Maintain your offence with a good defence.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Guard|Virtuoso|33|Maintain your offence with a good defence.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Impale|Unknown|?|Pin someone to the ground with your weapon.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Impale|Virtuoso|50|Pin someone to the ground with your weapon.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Joust|Unknown|?|The most brutal of mounted traditions.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Joust|Virtuoso|66|The most brutal of mounted traditions.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Pulverizer|Unknown|?|Extra bruising at the expense of bleeding.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Pulverizer|Virtuoso|83|Extra bruising at the expense of bleeding.}}
{{SkillTableRow|FarGuard|Unknown|?|Protect an ally from above.}}
{{SkillTableRow|FarGuard|Fabled|0|Protect an ally from above.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Rend|Unknown|?|Carve up your target's inside when withdrawing your blade.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Rend|Fabled|16|Carve up your target's inside when withdrawing your blade.}}
{{SkillTableRow|JaggedWound|Unknown|?|A strike dealing both bleeding and bruising.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Bellow|Fabled|25|Order your steed to belt out a bellow that stops everyone in their tracks.}}
{{SkillTableRow|CrushArm|Unknown|?|Mutilate an opponent's arm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|JaggedWound|Fabled|33|A strike dealing both bleeding and bruising.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Hook|Unknown|?|Hook your opponent's weapon after a successful parry.}}
{{SkillTableRow|CrushArm|Fabled|50|Mutilate an opponent's arm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|CrushLeg|Unknown|?|Mutilate an opponent's leg.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Hook|Fabled|66|Hook your opponent's weapon after a successful parry.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Obstruction|Unknown|?|Block egress from atop your steed.}}
{{SkillTableRow|CrushLeg|Fabled|83|Mutilate an opponent's leg.}}
{{SkillTableRow|PiercePlexus|Unknown|?|A powerful blow to stun and paralyse.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Obstruction|Mythical|0|Block egress from atop your steed.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Wind|Unknown|?|Knock the breath from a target.}}
{{SkillTableRow|PiercePlexus|Mythical|20|A powerful blow to stun and paralyse.}}
{{SkillTableRow|PinCharge|Unknown|?|Brutally charge your target, impaling him through the gut.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Wind|Mythical|40|Knock the breath from a target.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Maul|Unknown|?|Annihilate your enemy with your steed's fury.}}
{{SkillTableRow|PinCharge|Mythical|60|Brutally charge your target, impaling him through the gut.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Maul|Mythical|80|Annihilate your enemy with your steed's fury.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Skewer|Transcendent|0|Fatally drive your weapon through your target.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Skewer|Transcendent|0|Fatally drive your weapon through your target.}}
Line 36: Line 37:
|skillname = Polearms
|skillname = Polearms
|syntax = STRIKE <target> [LEFT{{!}}RIGHT] [<bodypart>] [<modifier> [<modifier args>]] <br>
|syntax = STRIKE <target> [LEFT<nowiki>|</nowiki>RIGHT] [<bodypart>] [<modifier> [<modifier args>]] <br>
|description = As a Cavalier, your skill with polearms is such that you now attack even faster. Additionally, as you train in the Cavalier skill, you will learn to apply modifiers to your strikes, which increase the effectiveness of your attacks even further.
|description = As a Cavalier, your skill with polearms is such that you now attack even faster. Additionally, as you train in the Cavalier skill, you will learn to apply modifiers to your strikes, which increase the effectiveness of your attacks even further.
Line 59: Line 60:
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Head <br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Head <br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Effects: Recklessness affliction <br>
Effects: [[Recklessness]] affliction <br>
Weaponstyle: Any
Weaponstyle: Any
|description = This modifier will addle your target's brain, leaving them reckless.
|description = This modifier will addle your target's brain, leaving them reckless.
Line 65: Line 66:

|skillname = PunctureLung
|skillname = SepticWound
|syntax = Modifier
|syntax = Modifier
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Chest <br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Gut<br>
Requirements: Light wounds <br>
Requirements: Light wounds <br>
Effects: Asthma affliction <br>
Effects: [[Anorexia]] affliction <br>
Weaponstyle: Cutting
Weaponstyle: Cutting
|description = This modifier will puncture your opponent's lung, leaving them gasping for breath.
|description = This modifier will cause sepsis in your opponent's gut, leaving them unable to eat.

Line 85: Line 86:
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Gut <br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Gut <br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Effects: Vomiting affliction <br>
Effects: [[Vomiting]] affliction <br>
Weaponstyle: Any
Weaponstyle: Any
|description = This modifier will ulcerate your target's stomach, causing vomiting.
|description = This modifier will ulcerate your target's stomach, causing vomiting.
Line 101: Line 102:
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right arm, left arm <br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right arm, left arm <br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Effects: Damagedleftarm or damagedrightarm affliction <br>
Effects: [[Damaged Arm|Damagedleftarm]] or [[Damaged Arm|damagedrightarm]] affliction <br>
Weaponstyle: Any
Weaponstyle: Any
|description = This modifier will cause your strikes to damage your target's arms.
|description = This modifier will cause your strikes to damage your target's arms.
Line 122: Line 123:
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right leg, left leg <br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right leg, left leg <br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Effects: Damagedleftleg or damagedrightleg affliction<br>
Effects: [[Damaged Leg|Damagedleftleg]] or [[Damaged leg|damagedrightleg]] affliction<br>
Weaponstyle: Any
Weaponstyle: Any
|description = This modifier will cause your strikes to damage your target's legs.
|description = This modifier will cause your strikes to damage your target's legs.
Line 132: Line 133:
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right leg, left leg <br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right leg, left leg <br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Effects: Prone affliction, balance loss<br>
Effects: [[sprawled|Prone]] affliction, balance loss<br>
Weaponstyle: Blunt
Weaponstyle: Blunt
|description = This modifier will knock your target to the ground, as well as causing a short balance loss.
|description = This modifier will knock your target to the ground, as well as causing a short balance loss.
Line 159: Line 160:
|syntax = STEED CHARGE <target> <direction> <direction>
|syntax = STEED CHARGE <target> <direction> <direction>
|cost = Power:  1 (Any)
|cost = Power:  1 (Any)
|description = Charge towards your target and attempt to carry them off in another direction. At the end of the attack, your target will be crumpled on the ground and stunned for a time dependent on how far you have traveled.
|description = Charge towards your target and attempt to carry them off in another direction. At the end of the attack, your target will be [[sprawled|crumpled on the ground]] and [[stun|stunned]] for a time dependent on how far you have traveled.
'''Changelog:'''<br />
'''Changelog:'''<br />
Line 175: Line 176:
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Gut <br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Gut <br>
Requirements: Heavy wounds<br>
Requirements: Heavy wounds<br>
Effects: Impaled afflicition <br>
Effects: [[Impaled]] afflicition <br>
Weaponstyle: Cutting
Weaponstyle: Cutting
|description = This modifier will drive your weapon through the gut of your opponent, impaling them to the ground.
|description = This modifier will drive your weapon through the gut of your opponent, impaling them to the ground. The time it takes to writhe out from this impalement depends on how wounded the gut is.

Line 206: Line 207:
|skillname = Rend
|skillname = Rend
|description = Instead of withdrawing your blade from your opponent, you can viciously rend it out of them, causing massive bleeding.
|description = Instead of withdrawing your blade from your opponent, you can viciously rend it out of them, causing massive bleeding.
|skillname = Bellow
|syntax = BEAST BELLOW <br>
Power:  3 (Any)<br>
|description = Will interrupt tumbles in progress or knock everyone off balance for 2 seconds.
You can order your beast to bellow on command, shocking those in the room.

Line 211: Line 221:
|skillname = JaggedWound
|skillname = JaggedWound
|syntax = Modifier
|syntax = Modifier
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Any
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Chest
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Effects: Increased bleeding and bruising<br>
Effects: Increased bleeding and bruising<br>
Line 223: Line 233:
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right arm, left arm
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right arm, left arm
Requirements: Critical wounds<br>
Requirements: Critical wounds<br>
Effects: Mutilatedrightarm or mutilatedleftarm affliction<br>
Effects: [[Mutilated Arm|Mutilatedrightarm]] or [[Mutilated Arm|mutilatedleftarm]] affliction<br>
Weaponstyle: Blunt<br>
Weaponstyle: Blunt<br>
|description = This modifier will crush an opponent's arm, mutilating it.
|description = This modifier will crush an opponent's arm, mutilating it.
Line 239: Line 249:
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right leg, left leg<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right leg, left leg<br>
Requirements: Critical wounds<br>
Requirements: Critical wounds<br>
Effects: Mutilatedrightleg or mutilatedleftleg affliction <br>
Effects: [[Mutilated Leg|Mutilatedrightleg]] or [[Mutilated Leg|mutilatedleftleg]] affliction <br>
Weaponstyle: Blunt<br>
Weaponstyle: Blunt<br>
|description = This modifier will crush an opponent's leg, mutilating it.
|description = This modifier will crush an opponent's leg, mutilating it.
Line 255: Line 265:
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Chest<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Chest<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Effects: Paralysis affliction, stun<br>
Effects: [[Paralysis]] affliction, [[stun]]<br>
Weaponstyle: Cutting
Weaponstyle: Cutting
|description = This modifier will pierce your opponent's chest, causing paralysis. Additionally, they will be stunned for a duration dependent on their wounds
|description = This modifier will pierce your opponent's chest, causing paralysis. Additionally, they will be stunned for a duration dependent on their wounds.

Line 274: Line 284:
|syntax = STEED PINCHARGE <target> <direction>
|syntax = STEED PINCHARGE <target> <direction>
|cost = Power:  2 (Any)
|cost = Power:  2 (Any)
|description = Charge at your target with your polearm ready to knock them down and impale them viciously through the gut.
|description = Charge at your target with your polearm ready to knock them down and [[impaled|impale]] them viciously through the gut.
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'''Changelog:'''<br />
Line 290: Line 300:
|skillname = Skewer
|skillname = Skewer
|syntax = SKEWER
|syntax = SKEWER
|cost = Requirements: Impaled, critical gut wounds, critical chest wounds
|cost = Requirements: [[Impaled]], critical gut wounds, critical chest wounds OR<br>
Requirements: < 25% health and [[impaled]].
Power: 4 (Any)
|description = If your target is impaled and sufficiently wounded, you can skewer the entirety of their body on your polearm, killing them instantly.
|description = If your target is impaled and sufficiently wounded, you can skewer the entirety of their body on your polearm, killing them instantly.


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