Difference between revisions of "Axelord"

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67 bytes added ,  08:07, 10 November 2021
added links mostly
(Added skillranks, added Whack and updated Behead)
(added links mostly)
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{{SkillTableRow|Whack|Virtuoso|75|Hit your opponent with the broad side of your weapon.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Whack|Virtuoso|75|Hit your opponent with the broad side of your weapon.}}
{{SkillTableRow|LegTendon|Fabled|0|A mutilating slice to the back of the leg.}}
{{SkillTableRow|LegTendon|Fabled|0|A mutilating slice to the back of the leg.}}
{{SkillTableRow|OpenCavity |Fabled|33|A damaging strike leaving sensitivity in its wake.}}
{{SkillTableRow|OpenCavity|Fabled|33|A damaging strike leaving sensitivity in its wake.}}
{{SkillTableRow|CriticalCondition|Fabled|66|A strike that grows more powerful against wounded opponents.}}
{{SkillTableRow|CriticalCondition|Fabled|66|A strike that grows more powerful against wounded opponents.}}
{{SkillTableRow|AmputateArm|Mythical|0|Render an arm utterly useless.}}
{{SkillTableRow|AmputateArm|Mythical|0|Render an arm utterly useless.}}
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|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Head<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Head<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Effects: Blindness affliction
Effects: [[Blind]]ness affliction
|description = This modifier will blind your target with a stream of blood from their forehead.
|description = This modifier will blind your target with a stream of blood from their forehead.
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|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Chest<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Chest<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Effects: Sensitivity affliction
Effects: [[Sensitivity]] affliction
|description = This modifier will sever key nerves in the chest, causing sensitivity to pain.
|description = This modifier will sever key nerves in the chest, causing sensitivity to pain.
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|skillname = Breakarm
|skillname = BreakArm
|syntax = Modifier
|syntax = Modifier
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right arm, left arm<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right arm, left arm<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Effects: Damagedleftarm or damagedrightarm affliction
Effects: [[Damagedleftarm]] or [[damagedrightarm]] affliction
|description = This modifier will cause your strikes to damage your target's arms.
|description = This modifier will cause your strikes to damage your target's arms.
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|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right leg, left leg<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right leg, left leg<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Requirements: Light wounds<br>
Effects: Prone affliction, balance loss
Effects: [[Prone]] affliction, balance loss
|description = This modifier will knock your target to the ground, as well as causing a short balance loss.
|description = This modifier will knock your target to the ground, as well as causing a short balance loss.
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|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Any<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Any<br>
Requirements: None<br>
Requirements: None<br>
Effects: Double wounding, bypass parry
Effects: Double wounding, bypass parry<br>
Power: 4 (any)
Power: 4 (any)
|description = This modifier will cause your strike to bypass parry and deal double the wounds as a normal strike.
|description = This modifier will cause your strike to bypass parry and deal double the wounds as a normal strike.
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|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Head<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Head<br>
Requirements: Heavy wounds<br>
Requirements: Heavy wounds<br>
Effects: Damagedthroat affliction
Effects: [[Damagedthroat]] affliction
|description = This modifier will slice open the throat of your target, damaging it.
|description = This modifier will slice open the throat of your target, damaging it.
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|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Chest<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Chest<br>
Requirements: Heavy wounds<br>
Requirements: Heavy wounds<br>
Effects: Paralysis afflictions
Effects: [[Paralysis]] afflictions
|description = This modifier will leave a painful gash across your target's chest, leaving them unable to move.
|description = This modifier will leave a painful gash across your target's chest, leaving them unable to move.
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|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Head<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Head<br>
Requirements: None<br>
Requirements: None<br>
Effects: Concussion, Confusion and a 1.5 - 2 second stun<br>
Effects: [[Concussion]], [[Confusion]] and a 1.5 - 2 second [[stun]]<br>
Power: 3 (any)
Power: 3 (any)
|description = Hitting your target with the broadside of your axe will leave them fazed.
|description = Hitting your target with the broadside of your axe will leave them fazed.
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|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right leg, left leg<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right leg, left leg<br>
Requirements: Heavy wounds<br>
Requirements: Heavy wounds<br>
Effects: Mutilatedrightleg or mutilatedleftleg affliction
Effects: [[Mutilatedrightleg]] or [[mutilatedleftleg]] affliction
|description = This modifier will cause your strikes to mutilate your target's legs.
|description = This modifier will cause your strikes to mutilate your target's legs.
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|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Chest<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Chest<br>
Requirements: Heavy wounds<br>
Requirements: Heavy wounds<br>
Effects: Increased damage, sensitivity affliction
Effects: Increased damage, [[sensitivity]] affliction
|description = This modifier rip open the abdomen of your target, causing increased damage and a sensitivity to pain.
|description = This modifier rip open the abdomen of your target, causing increased damage and a sensitivity to pain.
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|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right arm, left arm<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Right arm, left arm<br>
Requirements: Critical wounds<br>
Requirements: Critical wounds<br>
Effects: Mutilatedrightarm or mutilatedleftarm affliction
Effects: [[Mutilatedrightarm]] or [[mutilatedleftarm]] affliction
|description = This modifier will cleave through an opponent's arm, mutilating it.
|description = This modifier will cleave through an opponent's arm, mutilating it.
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|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Head<br>
|cost = Targetable Body Parts: Head<br>
Requirements: Critical wounds, under half health OR<br>
Requirements: Critical wounds, under half health OR<br>
Requirements: Under 25% health and sprawled.<br>
Requirements: Under 25% health and [[sprawled]].<br>
Effects: Death<br>
Effects: Death<br>
Power: 3 (any)
Power: 3 (any)


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