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1,017 bytes added ,  23:33, 11 November 2021
added a bunch of bullet points about what makes this era distinct. I welcome suggestions
(added a bunch of bullet points about what makes this era distinct. I welcome suggestions)
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The '''Age of Ascension''' began with the Coming of [[Estarra]], the Eternal.
The '''Age of Ascension''' began with the Coming of [[Estarra]], the Eternal.
[[Category:History]][[Category:Historical Events]]
Some distinguishing characteristics of the Age of Ascension include:
*Estarra brought [[human]]s to [[Lusternia]] upon her return.
*[[:Category:Elder Gods|Elder Gods]] returning to walk Lusternia again for the first time since [[Meridian]] splintered.
*Most [[:Category:Soulless Gods|Soulless Gods]] are diminished, confined or otherwise held at bay. Their influence continues to be a danger, however.
*Reality is protected from [[Kethuru]] by [[Avechna]] and the [[:Category:Living Seals|Living Seals]].
**This protection seems to be periodically threatened, requiring the Trials of Ascension to re-empower them.
*Mortals continue to enter the [[Portal of Fate]] and return marked by destiny and bonded with an Other.
*[[Taint|The Taint]] exists in many places throughout Lusternia and has forever altered the planes of [[Earth (plane)|Earth]] and [[Shallamar]].
*[[Wyrd|The Wyrd]] exists and has forever altered [[Gloriana Forest]] and the [[Great Spirits]] of [[Spirit Raven|Raven]] and [[Spirit Night|Night]].
[[Category:History]] [[Category:Historical Events]]


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