Difference between revisions of "Aeon"

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979 bytes added ,  08:10, 13 November 2021
added links to things that cause Aeon and a list of interactions with other abilities and defenses.
(added links to things that cause Aeon and a list of interactions with other abilities and defenses.)
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'''Diagnose Line:''' afflicted with the curse of the Aeon. <br />
'''Diagnose Line:''' afflicted with the curse of the Aeon. <br />
'''Cured Line:''' You return to the normal timestream. <br />
'''Cured Line:''' You return to the normal timestream. <br />
'''Note:''' Aeon can be stacked multiple times for additional delay.<br />
'''Caused By:''' [[Aeonics#Aeon|Aeon]] ([[Aeonics]]), [[Aeonics#AeonField|AeonField]] ([[Aeonics]]), [[Tarot#Aeon|Aeon]] ([[Tarot]]), [[Aerochemantics#Dynomatic|Dynomatic]] ([[Aerochemantics]]), [[Night#Choke|Choke]] ([[Night]]), [[Moon#Waning|Waning]] ([[Moon]]), [[Astrology#Aapek|Aapek]] ([[Astrology]])
*Drinking [[Lorecraft#Quicksilver|quicksilver]] will supply a defence that prevents Aeon.
**[[Athletics#Adrenaline|Adrenaline]] ([[Athletics]]) also provides this defence.
**[[Aeonics#Mindclock|Mindclock]] ([[Aeonics]]) will maintain the quicksilver defence and lessen the delay from Aeon.
*[[Timewarp]] increases the delay from Aeon and the delay on how soon quicksilver can be reapplied. Can stack multiple times.
*[[Jinx]] ([[Hexes#Jinx|Hexes]]) will be instantly cured by Aeon.
*The [[Tinkering#TrueTime|TrueTime]] enchantment defence reduces the delay caused by Aeon.



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