Difference between revisions of "Caves of Hhuhur"

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No change in size ,  02:22, 19 November 2021
→‎Inhabitants: rearranging things
(added personalities and loyalties)
m (→‎Inhabitants: rearranging things)
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===Orovosh, the igasho cheif===
===Orovosh, the igasho cheif===
*loyal to the Igasho Tribe of Hhuhur.
*loyal to the Igasho Tribe of Hhuhur.
*Personality: brave
*Seeks to summon [[Great Spirit Cat]] to drive [[Lauk]]'s [[taurian]]s from [[Snow Valley]].
*Seeks to summon [[Great Spirit Cat]] to drive [[Lauk]]'s [[taurian]]s from [[Snow Valley]].
*Personality: brave

===Den Mother Neirash===
===Den Mother Neirash===
*loyal to the Igasho Tribe of Hhuhur.
*loyal to the Igasho Tribe of Hhuhur.
*Personality: intimidating
*Raises bears who love to eat hares.
*Raises bears who love to eat hares.
*Sells mammoth calves for [[Beastmastery]].
*Sells mammoth calves for [[Beastmastery]].
*Personality: intimidating

==Adjacent Areas==
==Adjacent Areas==


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