Difference between revisions of "Races"

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533 bytes added ,  23:56, 16 December 2021
Added a section at the bottom about playable, but non-standard races
(It's not clear to me why the contents of this page were moved to the races category page and redirected there. The category page looks messy and unprofessional with the list of pages, this grid will do just fine, I think.)
(Added a section at the bottom about playable, but non-standard races)
Line 53: Line 53:
|style="border-width:0px 4px 4px 4px"| [[Viscanti]]
|style="border-width:0px 4px 4px 4px"| [[Viscanti]]
==Special Races==
A handful of races are not available to at character creation and must be unlocked later through other means.
*[[Nagasith]] - plane-slithering mutants unlocked through assembling their racial curio set
*[[Sileni]] - six-fingered musicians unlocked through assembling their racial curio set
*Changeling - Less a race and more of a special state that is granted by the Changeling Cameo artifact. It isn't a race unto itself so much as a way to hide what race the cameo user is currently set to.


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