Difference between revisions of "Iceburn Plains"

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423 bytes added ,  02:24, 12 September 2022
→‎Inhabitants: added some info on ice diggers and queens.
(This is the beginnings)
(→‎Inhabitants: added some info on ice diggers and queens.)
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*Afflicts with [[blind]]ness.
*Afflicts with [[blind]]ness.
*Deals asphyxiation and poison damage.
*Deals asphyxiation, poison and unblockable damage.
*Shields at low health.
*Shields at low health.
a slavering icedigger
*Might: appears to be extraordinarily strong.
*Afflicts with [[blackout]]
*Deals cutting and blunt damage
*Pulls you under when you enter a room with <tt>a mound of fresh-fallen snow</tt>.
a queen icedigger
*Might: has an air of extreme strength.
*Deals blunt and cutting damage.
*Must be killed to escape the hole.
*Drops <tt>a viridescent orb of solid ice</tt>.


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