Difference between revisions of "Necromancy"

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200 bytes removed ,  01:54, 6 November 2022
updated ectoplasm according to changelog 2762
m (added class skills category)
(updated ectoplasm according to changelog 2762)
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|skillname = Ectoplasm
|skillname = Ectoplasm
|syntax = DARKCHANT ECTOPLASM [<target>{{!}}ALL]
|syntax = DARKCHANT ECTOPLASM <target>
|cost = Power: 2 (Megalith of Doom) - untargeted (max 3 people) <br>
|cost = Power: 3 (Megalith of Doom)
1 (Megalith of Doom) - targeted <br>
|description = By spewing forth ectoplasm, you will coat your target with the viscous substance, which will reduce their celerity to two.}}
10(Megalith of Doom) - all
|description = By spewing forth ectoplasm, you will coat your personal enemies with the viscous substance, making it harder to recover balance (-10/-10 penalty). Alternatively, you can target the spell against one individual. If regularly untargeted, ectoplasm will, at max, only affect three enemies. If all is specified, all personal enemies will be affected.
*Necromancy Ectoplasm now reduces the target's [[celerity]] to 0 for 20 seconds. '''(#2762 on 29-Oct-2022)'''



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