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434 bytes added ,  01:12, 27 November 2022
Added a cool syntax I didn't know about for scabbards until today
(Formatting changes; additional notes.)
(Added a cool syntax I didn't know about for scabbards until today)
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|description = For specific designs, see <tt>FORGING SCABBARDS</tt> and <tt>FORGING SCABBARDS <design #></tt>.
|description = For specific designs, see <tt>FORGING SCABBARDS</tt> and <tt>FORGING SCABBARDS <design #></tt>.
|notes = Designs are frogges and scabbards. Not every weapon will fit in every scabbard/frogge; the design info should tell you what it can hold. They typically have poor prestige and occupy the <tt>Waist - Accessory</tt> clothing slot.
|notes = Designs are frogges and scabbards. Not every weapon will fit in every scabbard/frogge; the design info should tell you what it can hold. They typically have poor prestige and occupy the <tt>Waist - Accessory</tt> clothing slot.
|notes = To see all designs that will hold a specific kind of weapon use the syntax FORGING SCABBARDS WEAPONTYPE <weapontype>
Weapon types include:
:SSWORD - one-handed swords
:LSWORD - two-handed swords
:SAXE - one-handed axes
:LAXE - two-handed axes
:SBLUDGEON - one-handed bludgeons
:LBLUDGEON - two-handed bludgeons
:DAGGER - daggers
:LPOLEARM - two-handed polearm
:SHOFA - shofas
:TAHTO - tahtos
:JAKARI - jakaris
:NEKAI - nekai



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