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'''The White Shell''' was one of the first [[:Category:Edifices of Power|Edifices of Power]] used to raise [[:Category:Vernal Gods|Vernal Gods]] in the days of the [[Vernal Wars]]. The White Shell was located in the lost city of [[Alabellalum]] and was used to raise the mortal [[Shaothne]] to the status of divinity, who became [[Dionamus]].
'''The White Shell''' was one of the first [[Edifice of Power|Edifices of Power]] used to raise [[Vernal God]]s in the days of the [[Vernal Wars]]. The White Shell was located in the lost city of [[Alabellalum]] and was used to raise the mortal [[Shaothne]] to the status of divinity, who became [[Dionamus]].
[[Category:Edifices of Power|White]]
[[Category:Edifices of Power|White]]


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