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102 bytes removed ,  01:37, 13 September 2012
Updating to templated skilltable.
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{{SkillTableRow|Composition|Master|0|You may compose songs expressing your own creativity.}}
|[[#Composition|Composition]]||Master||You may compose songs expressing your own creativity.
{{SkillTableRow|Sustain|Master|0|The ability to maintain a song.}}
{{SkillTableRow|AncestralCall|Master|0|The spirits of your ancestors lend you fortitude.}}
|[[#Sustain|Sustain]]||Master||The ability to maintain a song.
{{SkillTableRow|AncestralWatch|Master|33|The ancestral spirits stand guard o'er the forests.}}
{{SkillTableRow|PaleBeauty|Master|66|Ego replenishes like the pale beauty of Mother Moon.}}
|[[#AncestralCall|AncestralCall]]||Master||The spirits of your ancestors lend you fortitude.
{{SkillTableRow|DiscordantChord|Gifted|0|This painful chord shall crush the disharmonic soul.}}
{{SkillTableRow|BlueMoon|Gifted|33|It's hard to focus when you're blue.}}
|[[#AncestralWatch|AncestralWatch]]||Master +33%||The ancestral spirits stand guard o'er the forests.
{{SkillTableRow|LunaMelody|Gifted|66|Herbs will be absorbed faster while hearing this melody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Refrain|Expert|0|A musical structure that allows repetition of a stanza.}}
|[[#PaleBeauty|PaleBeauty]]||Master +66%||Ego replenishes like the pale beauty of Mother Moon.
{{SkillTableRow|WildeChord|Expert|25|The wilde can damage those who stand against nature.}}
{{SkillTableRow|StoneMists|Expert|50|Mists mixed with smoke will dampen burning herbs.}}
|[[#DiscordantChord|DiscordantChord]]||Gifted||This painful chord shall crush the disharmonic soul.
{{SkillTableRow|FaeDitty|Expert|75|Fae enjoy amusing ditties that are hard to forget.}}
{{SkillTableRow|CaptiveAudience|Virtuoso|0|Both friends and enemies hear nothing but your songs.}}
|[[#BlueMoon|BlueMoon]]||Gifted +33%||It's hard to focus when you're blue.
{{SkillTableRow|SpiritGuard|Virtuoso|33|The dance of the spirits wards you from blows.}}
{{SkillTableRow|AncientCurse|Virtuoso|66|The primal elder curse called by your ancestral spirits.}}
|[[#LunaMelody|LunaMelody]]||Gifted +66%||Herbs will be absorbed faster while hearing this melody.
{{SkillTableRow|Celebrate|Fabled|0|Cheerful tune that inspires those touched by the Moonhart.}}
{{SkillTableRow|NintobaSong|Fabled|33|Mother Moon is inspired by the memory of Nintoba's Song.}}
|[[#Refrain|Refrain]]||Expert||A musical structure that allows repetition of a stanza.
{{SkillTableRow|NatureRhythm|Fabled|66|Hear the natural music of the seasons.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Encore|Mythical|0|Play a rousing encore performance.}}
|[[#WildeChord|WildeChord]]||Expert +25%||The wilde can damage those who stand against nature.
{{SkillTableRow|EternalTree|Mythical|0|True forests will heal those who are loyal to the green.}}
{{SkillTableRow|AncientFeud|Mythical|25|The wrath of your ancestors will trap and harm your foes.}}
|[[#StoneMists|StoneMists]]||Expert +50%||Mists mixed with smoke will dampen burning herbs.
{{SkillTableRow|AncestralFealty|Mythical|50|A legacy of duty and service inspires fealty.}}
{{SkillTableRow|CairnLargo|Mythical|75|Send your ancestral spirits to haunt your enemies.}}
|[[#FaeDitty|FaeDitty]]||Expert +75%||Fae enjoy amusing ditties that are hard to forget.
{{SkillTableRow|Bardoon|Transcendent|0|Lead them off with the march of the dead.}}
|[[#CaptiveAudience|CaptiveAudience]]||Virtuoso||Both friends and enemies hear nothing but your songs.
|[[#SpiritGuard|SpiritGuard]]||Virtuoso +33%||The dance of the spirits wards you from blows.
|[[#AncientCurse|AncientCurse]]||Virtuoso +66%||The primal elder curse called by your ancestral spirits.
|[[#Celebrate|Celebrate]]||Fabled||Cheerful tune that inspires those touched by the Moonhart.
|[[#NintobaSong|NintobaSong]]||Fabled +33%||Mother Moon is inspired by the memory of Nintoba's Song.
|[[#NatureRhythm|NatureRhythm]]||Fabled +66%||Hear the natural music of the seasons.
|[[#Encore|Encore]]||Mythical||Play a rousing encore performance.
|[[#EternalTree|EternalTree]]||Mythical||True forests will heal those who are loyal to the green.
|[[#AncientFeud|AncientFeud]]||Mythical +25%||The wrath of your ancestors will trap and harm your foes.
|[[#AncestralFealty|AncestralFealty]]||Mythical +50%||A legacy of duty and service inspires fealty.
|[[#CairnLargo|CairnLargo]]||Mythical +75%||Send your ancestral spirits to haunt your enemies.
|[[#Bardoon|Bardoon]]||Transcendent||Lead them off with the march of the dead.
[[Image:Wildarrane.jpg|thumb|Ancestral Watch (by Kiaris)]]
[[Image:Wildarrane.jpg|thumb|Ancestral Watch (by Kiaris)]]
