
Revision as of 00:59, 19 June 2024 by Ferelith (talk | contribs) (→‎Pet Curios: Fixing spacing issue.)

Curios are special items that must be pieced together and, when completed, might be carried, worn or placed in a manse. Pieces often come from quests or promotional events. On top of the benefits of each individual completed curio, many curios provide an additional power when one completes all the curios in a collection.

Trade in curio pieces among adventurers is very common and facilitated by the CURIOMARKET command.

General Curio Collections

The earliest curios followed a pattern of being a themed collection of four: a Magic Item curio, a Damage Resistance curio, a Damage Enhancement curio and a Travel curio.

When the themed curio collection was completed, it could be used to teleport to a location related to the theme.

The expanded page can be found here: General Curio Collections

Buffs and Blessings

14th Anniversary Batons

Provides hour-long blessings to everyone in the room when TOUCHed. An ASCII-art firework or graphic is also displayed.

  • Baton of Wands - 25% increased damage while influence blessing (1 hour, 3/weave)
  • Baton of Pentacles - 1/13 ego blessing (lasts 1 hour, 3/weave)
  • Baton of Chalices - 1/13 mana blessing (lasts 1 hour, 3/weave)
  • Baton of Swords - 1/13 health blessing (lasts 1 hour, 3/weave)
    • Collection power is a 25% experience blessing for everyone online belonging the player's nation (1/weave)

Pet Curios

Each curio forms a pet that can be dropped and will follow you around and provide beneficial effects. Activating a completed collection will create a unique pet that will grant a boon for one day (60 minutes). Only one collection may be activated per in game month.

Kittens These young kittens must be dropped on the floor and following you for their powers to take effect.
Munchkin Increases chance to find vermin.
Ragdoll Randomly points out hidden exits. (Randomly selects one if multiple directions are hidden)
Sphynx Increases chance to spot illusions.
Calico Helps spot traps in adjacent rooms.
Collection Power Kittens form into a toyger cat that reduces ego casting costs.
Puppies To send these puppies to work for you, POINT <puppy> and he will surely sniff out what you need.
Corgi Pull owner to nearest pilgrim in area (if there is one).
Pompom Pull owner to nearest scholar in area (if there is one).
Pug Pull owner to nearest bard in area (if there is one).
Husky Pull owner to nearest barn animal in area (if there is one).
Collection Power Puppies form into a shepherd dog that protects (i.e., absorbs damage) its owner from denizens (excluding supermobs and guards).
Birds These birds must be dropped on the floor and in the same room as their owner to take effect.
SAY REPORT <allies/enemies/family/members> ON/OFF and SAY REPORT STATUS to give them a break or put them on duty once again.
Dove Alerts if an ally enters the room.
Love Bird Alerts if a member of your family enters the room.
Canary Alerts if an enemy enters the room.
Parakeet Alerts if member of your city or commune enters the room.
Collection Power Transforms into an owl and when you POINT at the owl, it will list all persons in the local area. This will not show location, but will bypass masking effects like being cloaked, skunk spray, and similar.

Feature Curios

Feature curios enhance the appearance for better or worse, resulting in an increase or lowering of prestige. You can wear all of them at once for aesthetics, but for positive prestige you can only combine a Hair or Beard Curio with a Beauty Curio.

Item Generation

Genie Bottles

Once per game month each bottle can give a random prize out of 3-5 aethergoop, a master palette, lips, divine present or Wheel of Tzaraziko coin. Note there is a global cap on aethergoop that can be won per game month from all owned genies, treasure maps and ur'traps.

  • Red Genies (Crimson Bottle, Ruby Bottle, Vermillion Bottle, Scarlet Bottle) - collection power is a 1/8 health blessing.
  • Yellow Genies (Amber Bottle, Citrine Bottle, Saffron Bottle, Gold Bottle) - collection power is a 1/8 ego blessing.
  • Blue Genies (Azure Bottle, Sapphire Bottle, Lavender Bottle, Cerulean Bottle) - collection power is a 1/8 mana blessing.

Red Heart

The completed curio forms a candybox which generates a heart-shaped candy each game month, storing a maximum of 10 inside. When removed from the candybox, these transform into a random type of heart candy which can be EATen for a defense based on color typically lasting 24 hours.

Candy color Buff
brilliant white 1/6 asphyxiation resist
burnt orange 1/6 cold resist
gold 1/6 divinus resist
hot pink 1/6 magical resist
icy blue 1/6 fire resist
neon yellow 1/6 electrical resist
pitch-black 1/6 excorable resist
rainbow 1/6 psychic resist
rancid, booger green 1/6 poison resist
scarlet 1/4 health blessing
seafoam green 1/6 blunt resist

Upon consuming the candy, the recipient will involuntarily exclaim the message written on it, such as

An ecstatic Elryn exclaims, "Always Yours!"

Soulless & Vernal Curios

340CE - Soulless & Vernal Curios were added for completing certain honour quests. (Announce #2102)

Soulless Curio Collection

  • Raising the Eye of Zenos (Climanti Past)
  • Completing Project Soulforge
  • Opening Djarrakh
  • Empowering the Slaghora'ruin (Tarpits)
  • Dominating the Kephera Hives
  • Raising the Avatar of the Dark Empress

Vernal Curio Collection

  • Activating Spire of Dionamus
  • Destroy the Eye of Zenos (Climanti Past)
  • Chancel of Clangoran Mysteries
  • Crowning Ethilwin or Thoril
  • Mirror of Tzaraziko
  • Hand of Tzaraziko
  • Urlach Catacombs Quest
  • Closing Djarrakh
  • Destroying Soulforge
  • Kiakoda Nature Reserve Quest

Consumable Curios

Mouldy Cheese Curio

  • Collecting all the pieces and completing a mouldy cheese curio lets
  • Mouldy cheese pieces occasionally drop from hunting vermin.

Macaron Curio

  • Introduced with Announce #3236, these curios provide powerful bonuses but are consumed upon use.


  • unless stated otherwise, the bonus will last for an hour
  • only one bonus can be active at a time
  • consuming the macaron destroys it
  • macaron bonuses stack with other bonuses
    • Red Macaron - doubles health vitals
    • Blue Macaron - doubles mana vitals
    • Pink Macaron - doubles ego vitals
    • Scarlet Macaron - boosts health regeneration to 20% every 10 seconds
    • Azure Macaron - boosts mana regeneration to 20% every 10 seconds
    • Rose Macaron - boosts ego regeneration to 20% every 10 seconds
    • Lavender Macaron - increases critical hits to 100%
    • Orange Macaron - increases aethercrits to 100%
    • Green Macaron - increases experience gain by 1000% (not in Endzones)
    • Brown Macaron - increases essence gain in Endzones by 20x for a single run


  • player engages in combat
  • player enters the arena
  • there are active world games or challenges taking place (Hamsterhunt, Death, Harmony, Justice, etc.)
  • the player is inside enemy territory of other organisations
  • the player starts an Endzone run

Abusing the above scenarios to suspend the timer is against the rules.

Non-mechanic Curios

This is a catch-all group for curio types that do not provide a mechanical benefit.