Blemish Curio

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Feature Suitabilty
expressive eyebrows Vague
drawn-on eyebrows Skin
wiry eyebrows Vague & Woods

Blemish curios represent a wide range of features that can be worn. They are part of Feature Curios (See HELP FEATURE CURIOS) and when worn lower prestige for charity influence battles. Below are the possible features:

Feature Suitabilty
bestial scar Skin
torturous scar Skin
a facial bark scar Woods
a series of burns with irregular edges Skin
a burn scar resembling a hand print Skin
pustules Skin
calcified cracks Crystal
scalerot Scales
mange Fur

Suitability is defined as suggested usage, but other combinations are possible. Anything marked 'vague' does not use the word skin, and as such could in theory be easily found on someone with fur, scales, chitin, etc. Anything marked 'skin' mentions the word skin.

Blemish curios do not have built-in emotes like hair and beards, and they do not have pre-defined colours in their descriptions to ensure they match a wide variety of appearances easily.

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