Here is a list of equipment that will likely help out with your hunting, questing, and even influencing!
- Armour.
- Bards, Mages, Druids, Wiccans and Guardians will generally wear enchanted robes.
- Monks will wear enchanted robes as well, except those who take the trade skill of tattoos, in which the transcendent skill works in place of armor.
- Warriors will start off generally with leather armours, then work their way up to plates.
- Food.
It's always a good idea to have some on hand, constitution platters and dexterity kabobs especially. Until you reach Level 80, food is a necessity, or you will pass out from hunger as well as be injured by your need for food!
- Origami
Bookbinders are able to make various types of Origami. Each piece of Origami is categorized by it's type, and each serves a different purpose.
- Weapons. This entirely depends on what archetype, and sometimes what specialization.
- Three pipes. One should be for coltsfoot, one for faeleaf, and one myrtle. Be sure you have a tinderbox as well, if the pipes aren't runed.
- All cures. See HELP CURELIST for the details.
- Proection, Healing and Disruption scrolls.
- Enchantments: Levitation, Waterwalk, Waterbreathe, Web, Cleanse, Mercy, Perfection, Kingdom, Ignite, Geyser.
- Sigils: monolith, eye, flame and fist.
- An energy cube for recharging enchantments.
- A shield, if you're not a warrior or monk.
- Beauty enchantment.
- Oils.
Use Vanilla for Weakening, Jasmine for Paranoia, Sandalwood for Charity, Dragonsblood for Empowering, and Musk for Secuction.