The Infernal Mandate

Revision as of 13:50, 30 April 2017 by Brauthik (talk | contribs)
Infernal Mandate
Primarch of the Scourge
Other Leadership
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Nil-born and tempered in the fires of its deepest pits, they have but one mandate from the Supreme Master: "Damnation and Dominion over All". The Midnight Legion, the souls damned to Nil for eternal torment, must swell in number and the Infernals have been tasked with reaping the souls of the Basin to empower the Dominator himself. Luciphage is eternally patient and so are his Infernals - they embrace the revered undeath that they may fall and rise, no task too perilous, no obstacle too grand for the undying. Cunning and manipulation are their weapons, but so is brute strength when the situation calls upon it. Power is its own reward but by empowering themselves, they also empower the Supreme Master.