Temporary Insanity

Revision as of 04:42, 13 October 2021 by Hinic (talk | contribs) (added the results of FORUMLAS TEMPINSANITY)

When temporarily insane, you will find yourself acting as if you were touched by Astral Insanity, albeit to a lesser degree, based on how insane you are.

Cured By: Lucidity slush potion.
Afflicted Line: Part of your mind snaps and breaks and a temporary insanity creeps in.
Diagnose Line: suffering from a <level> case of temporary insanity.
Cured Line: You no longer have any temporary insanity.
Partial Cured Line: Your sanity partially returns, but you still suffer from a <level> case of temporary insanity.

Below is the result of FORMULAS TEMPINSANITY as of 10-12-2021

Action Type Amount
Temporary Insanity (max 75)
Lucidity Slush cure 6-12, +50% if focused
Badluck add Increase by (3-4) * mental affs, doesn't stack
Badluck (cast) add 3
Chaosaura add 3-4
CrypticFlux (monk) add 2-4 (harmonic), 6-10 (chaotic)
Eyesnare add 5
Flux add 5
Greywhispers (cast) add 3
Greywhispers (tic) add 3-4
Heatstroke (meld) add 5 * meld aff + 1-(5 * meld aff)
Jitterbug (bard) add 0-5
Madfly add 10
Morrible add 1-2, 66% chance on morrible hit
Phremic (Pyrochem) add 16-20
Revalations add 6-8
Snafu add Increase by (3-5) * mental affs, doesn't stack
Surge Stance (monk) add 6-8
Truename add 6-8, only if target is moderate
Visionflux add 6-8