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Unsettling rhythms echo in the darkness of Glomdoring Forest, a low thrum rising from the Drums of the Dead like the pulse of a dark heart, accompanied by barghests' howls and the beating of crows' wings. In the year 159, the Blacktalon Nirrti captured these eerie melodies in a song, whose refrain awakened the Voice of the dead Elder Goddess Mahalla. Nirrti found herself keeper of the Dead Voice, and vowed to teach others to sing the praises of the dark forest, becoming the first Harbinger of the Wyrd.

The Harbingers' art ranges from hymns of subtle beauty, to ferocious hunt songs, to dirges fatal to the listener. Their music spurs shadowbound fae to a frenzy and makes the Wyrden forest thrive. Above all, their voices herald the ascendancy of the Wyrd over the Basin of Life.

The Harbingers were once a guild but persist as a class following the bard archetype. Their primary skill is Music, specialising in the insidious Shadowbeat, with the secondary skill of Acrobatics. Harbingers may study Hunting, specialising in Ecology, delve deeper into the performance skill of Dramaturgy, or learn to craft Illusions of light and shadow.

They may also take Alchemy for their trade craft.

Historical Events

  • Founded when Nirrti awoke the Voice of Mahalla. (Events #70)
  • The Harbingers guild was dissolved at some point presumably between 473 CE and 475 CE. (No Events could be found about it.)