Search results
- |plane = Ethereal Plane A dark glade on the ethereal plane, severed from [[Faethorn]] during the [[Taint Wars]], '''Wydyr Glade'1 KB (177 words) - 08:52, 25 July 2022
- [[Category:Mythology]][[Category:Ethereal Realms]]478 bytes (76 words) - 02:31, 14 March 2022
- {{Area|areaname=Displaced Wilds|plane=Ethereal Plane}} ...were torn. Their only defence is a generator that will transform the now-[[Ethereal]] wilds around them, preventing ingress for a time to the Lyraan invaders.1 KB (166 words) - 01:07, 28 November 2021
- Secluded away upon the [[Ethereal Plane]] is the home of all homes - a hamlet of colourful brownies whose mis [[Category: Ethereal Realms]]2 KB (239 words) - 07:25, 6 January 2022
- |plane = Ethereal Plane ...sts as their caretakers. A plane of unimaginable things, the center of the ethereal is home to the Realm of Faethorn and its ruling Queen. [[Maeve|Maeve of the3 KB (479 words) - 01:58, 14 February 2023
- ...h the natural kingdom, especially forests. Earth magic is drawn from the [[Ethereal Plane]], and druids and most especially wiccans maintain close bonds with t {{SkillTableRow|Communing|Adept|0|Communing with the Ethereal Plane grants increased mental fortitude.}}7 KB (1,004 words) - 19:06, 23 July 2022
- * <tt>Meandering in the ethereal.</tt> (Etherealspace) * <tt>Cruising in the Celestial Realms.</tt> (Cosmicspace)12 KB (1,931 words) - 01:30, 17 December 2021
- [[Image:AetherspaceEthereal.jpg|thumb|Ethereal Aetherspace]] |'''Meandering the ethereal.'''<br/>15 KB (2,134 words) - 01:30, 17 December 2021