Kelpie Maiden

the Kelpie Maiden
Continent Basin of Life
Plane Prime Material Plane

The Kelpie Maiden II sails the Inner Sea.

  • To board, use ENTER SHIP


A beautiful, single-masted ship, the Kelpie Maiden II was once a member of the New Celest Fleet, however the letters 'N.C.S.' have been removed from the hull. Flowing sea-green script spells out the ship's name still, however, beneath which deep purple and black spells out the name 'Nerale'. Beautiful white sails ripple high above in the warm salt air, the spray of the ship sparkling in the light as if each droplet was working to frame the whole of the sails. At the bow of the boat a wooden carving of a young kelpie maid can be seen, hands outstretched as a painted white dove alights in her grasp, hopeful eyes set upon the horizon. A rope ladder hangs over the side of the boat, skimming a couple of feet above the surf.


A gallant merian swashbuckler

Lord Yadothune Nerale

  • Might: appears to be extraordinarily strong.
  • Personality: Impossible.
  • Loyalty: None.

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