
Crystals Power Effect
1 Hardsmoke summoning resistance defence, stacks with other summoning resistance
2 Cutting Resistance
3 Blunt Resistance
4 Smokeweb provides a defence that informs you when enemies enter or leave the area
5 Magical Resistance
6 Blanksmoke negates any active weed trips for a small balance cost
7 Fire Resistance
8 Daydream see a random dream
9 Cold Resistance
10 Sweetsmoke make a denizen more inclined to generosity when influenced for amnesty, once per IG month
11 Asphyxiation Resistance
12 Poison Resistance
13 Harshsmoke inflict weed trips on enemies in the room, once per IG day
14 Electricity Resistance
15 Smokescreen creates a cloud in the room that changes the room's name, obscuring the room from scrying eyes; any scries into the room will be visible by those standing in the cloud; cloud can be removed via gust and similar abilities; 3 power cost
16 Psychic Resistance
17 Smokestep instant teleport to nexus, once per IG month; 10 power cost
18 Excorable Resistance
19 Divinus Resistance
20 Anamnesis (heightened state where you recall a past life, secondary racial perks; 10 power to select secondary race)