This page is about the druidry skill practiced by Hartstone druids. If you are looking for the Blacktalon version, see Druidry (Crow).
Druids are often considered "mages of the forest" for, like mages, they create demesnes over which they have almost complete control. However, instead of using elemental magic, druids use nature magic and, thus, their demesne are great tracts of forests. |
Skill | Learned At | Description |
Sapling | Master+0% | Populate the forests with thriving trees. |
Treebourne | Master+0% | The canopy is as much your home as anywhere. |
IntoxicatingFlower | Master+25% | Your enemy can't help but follow the smell of this flower. |
Forest | Master+50% | Sprout forests in nearly any environment. |
Meld | Master+75% | Merge your magics with the forest. |
Treebane | Gifted+25% | Throw your tree-climbing foes onto the ground. |
Squirrels | Gifted+75% | "Aid shall come from even the smallest." -Glinshari |
Pathtwist | Expert+0% | All roads lead to you. |
Dissolve | Expert+20% | Easily remove an aura of protection around another. |
Spores | Expert+40% | Hallucinogenic mushroom spores affect the mind. |
Pollen | Expert+60% | Use pollen to confuse your enemies. |
SpiritGrasp | Expert+80% | Summon your ancestors to descend upon your enemies. |
Totem | Virtuoso+0% | Summon your totem animal. |
Treelife | Virtuoso+33% | Bring combat into the tree tops. |
WildePalate | Virtuoso+66% | Increase or decrease sparkleberry effectiveness. |
Thorns | Fabled+0% | Thorny vines attack your foes. |
Missile | Fabled+66% | Seek out a target within your meld. |
Storm | Mythical+0% | The storm refreshes and renews. |
Cudgel | Mythical+20% | Summon the ultimate weapon of the druids. |
Darkseed | Mythical+40% | Plant the darkseed inside your victim. |
Regrowth | Mythical+60% | Cast the powers of the forests in one spell. |
Sap | Mythical+80% | Encase your enemy in amber. |
Fury | Transcendent+0% | Unleash the god-like power of nature. |
Syntax |
Power: 10 (Any) (For Demesne) |
By encouraging growth within a forest location, a random type of sapling will be born. Only one sapling can grow in any location, and it will prevent any mage from changing the environment. If the location a sapling grows is not a natural forest location (i.e., a location where the environment has been changed into a forest), it will die in one Lusternian day. However, if the sapling is born into a true forest location it will permanently thrive there, growing larger and larger.
If it survives for two years, it will blossom into a mature tree, which can then be harvested for lumber. The older (and heavier) a tree is, the more lumber it will provide. If the tree is never harvested, it will eventually die on its own in about 10 years (leaving only half the lumber it would have yielded if harvested). Trees grow faster during the Spring and Summer months, as well as if the growth spell is used in its location.
Casting for the demesne will create saplings in each room for ten power.
So used are you to being in the canopy, you can now cling tightly to the trees without using any balance whatsoever. If you specialise in Crow and have the Perch ability, you can also use this with no balance cost.
Furthermore, you will be able to glance at the ground with no balance cost.
Syntax |
Power: 3 (Moonhart) (Nodes only) Damage Type: Electric |
Command the flowers throughout your demesne to spread their deadly pollens upon your enemies.
You may target a single enemy or target all enemies between connecting nodes and the node you are standing on.
Syntax |
Power: 1 (Commune Nexus) |
You may temporarily transform almost any environment into a forest location.
If a location is currently the demesne of any druid or mage, you can FORCE it and break the node in that location. It will take some time to break a node and will require your full concentration.
Syntax |
The primary power of druidry is to build your own forested demesne. By using MELD, you create a node of power. You can have up to 3 nodes at any time, and they cannot be placed next to each other. If you place nodes within 5 rooms of each other, leylines will add the connecting rooms to your demesne.
You may also BOND to a fellow druids demesne and assist them. Bonding increases the strength of the nodes and the elementals that defend them.
While in your demesne, you can SENSE who dares stand in your forest and WATCH who enters and leaves. DEMESNE will show you what rooms are included in your demesne, and what powers are currently active. You can DISSOLVE your demesne at any time or CLEAR a specific node to remove it.
Syntax |
Power: 3 (Commune Power) (Current Room) 5 (Commune Power) (All Nodes) |
Command the trees to toss your enemies out of your location; or if you are located at one of your nodes, away from all nodes in the demesne.
Syntax |
This will be cast throughout your demesne. Command an army of squirrels to patrol through your demesne. The squirrels have a chance of afflicting with blindness, amnesia, or minor bleeding. Should anyone be flying within your domain, the squirrels will pepper them with acorns and knock them to the ground.
Additional Notes: |
Meld Effect, this will be cast throughout your demesne. You can append DAMPEN to lower this effect. |
Syntax |
This will be cast throughout your demesne. Winding paths will have a chance of returning your enemies to the room if they attempt to leave and afflicting them with allergies.
Additional Notes: |
Meld Effect, this will be cast throughout your demesne. You can append DAMPEN to lower this effect. |
Syntax |
Power: 5 (Matrix) (Nodes) 10 (Matrix) (Meld) |
You can dissolve the aura of protection defense around those who are using it to escape some of the powers of your demesne. This requires balance but not equilibrium and is a very fast attack. You can also dissolve it from all enemies between connecting nodes, or all enemies inside your entire meld for a power cost.
Syntax |
Spores will drift through your demesne, which will cause random afflictions and build upon your enemies.
Additional Notes: |
Meld Effect, this will be cast throughout your demesne. You can append DAMPEN to lower this effect. |
Syntax |
You can send a cloud of pollen that will obfuscate locations and afflict your enemies with allergies.
Additional Notes: |
Meld Effect, This will be cast throughout your demesne. You can append DAMPEN to lower this effect. |
Syntax |
You can call upon your ancestral spirits to patrol your demesne, stunning and afflicting your enemies with allergies. |
Needs "description"!
Additional Notes: |
Meld Effect, this will be cast throughout your demesne. You can append DAMPEN to lower this effect. |
Syntax |
Power: 10 (Mother Moonhart) |
Call on White Hart to gift you with one of his fawns. The power cost will be significantly less if cast on the Ethereal Plane. The fawn will mature to a stag which will be able to heal your health and also have the unique inherent ability to toss others into trees.
Every two years you may summon another fawn.
Syntax |
Beast Mana: 250 |
This is a unique attack that will toss a target into a tree (assuming there are trees around).
Syntax |
Beast Ego: 500 |
Your stag can tap into its reserves and channel those energies into you. This is the same as the Beastmastery skill except stags have a stronger ability to heal. Note that you do not need the Beastmastery skill so long as you have the druidry skill of totem and the Stag specialization.
Additional Notes: |
If you lose the druidry skill of Totem or forget the Stag specialization, your stag will not abandon you; however, it will lose its special beast abilities (including the more powerful healing). |
Syntax |
Command the trees to knock those that dare to fly in your domain to the ground. Those on the ground will be pulled into the trees.
Furthermore, any who attempt to fly may find themselves caught in the branches.
Additional Notes: |
Meld Effect, this will be cast throughout your demesne. You can append DAMPEN to lower this effect.
Syntax |
You will find your demesne making it's bounty more beneficial for your allies and worse for your enemies. Meld Effect, this will be cast throughout your demesne.
Syntax |
Thorns will dig into your enemies, causing them to bleed.
Additional Notes: |
Meld Effect, this will be cast throughout your demesne. You can append DAMPEN to lower this effect. |
Syntax |
Power: 2 (Commune Power) Damage Type: 100% Electric (Hartstone) |
You may summon a missile to attack anyone within your demesne. It will damage and build allergies or infestation on them.
Syntax |
Summon forth a storm, which will refresh you and your allies and damage your enemies.
Additional Notes: |
Meld Effect, this will be cast throughout your demesne. You can append DAMPEN to lower this effect. |
Syntax |
Power: 10 (Commune Nexus) Damage Type: 50% Cutting, 50% Blunt |
The forests will grant you the ultimate weapon of a druid--the fearsome cudgel. By wielding the cudgel, you may POINT CUDGEL at a target and release a burl burst attack, shooting thousands of tiny splinters at your target. You can RAISE CUDGEL in a location with trees and lift everyone in that location (including yourself) up into its branches. With WHIRL CUDGEL, you can reveal anyone hiding in your location. The power cost is significantly less if cast on the Ethereal Plane.
Syntax |
Power: 2 (Mother Moonhart) (Single Target) 5 (Mother Moonhart) (Nodes) |
Summon forth an alien seed that grows inside your enemies and occasionally entangles them.
Syntax |
Power: 5 (Commune Power) |
Your demesne will surge with natural forces and enable all your meld effects within your demesne.
Syntax |
Power: 5 (Mother Moonhart) (On Ground) 3 (Mother Moonhart) (In Trees) |
If your target has massive allergies, you can coat them in a thick syrupy sap, preserving them in the liquid amber.
If they do not, you will stun them and build more allergies.
Syntax |
Power: 10 (Commune Nexus) Damage Type: 100% Poison (Blacktalon) |
Unleash the wrath of nature in her full and glorious fury. She shall seek out your personal enemies that still stand within your demesne and leave them battered and bloodied! You must wield your cudgel and be at full mana to invoke such a spectacle. The damage will depend on how infested or built up their allergies are. It will cure them upon its finish.
Bonded melders will reduce the time until it damages.