
Revision as of 21:08, 30 December 2010 by Lendren (talk | contribs) (→‎Stamp)
A bookbinder is much more than a tradesperson who designs and creates a variety of books, though that is a primary service he or she offers. Bookbinders also act as scribes, learning new languages and translating writings. The most notable achievement, however, is their mastery of magical writings, wherein they may scribe magical scrolls. To create magical scrolls, the bookbinder also needs the services of an alchemist and an enchanter.
Letter Inept Create the simplest missives for mailing.
Scroll Inept Prepare a simple parchment to be used as a scroll.
Pamphlet Inept +50% Create a pamphlet for organizations.
Language Novice Learn a racial language and its writings.
Journal Novice +25% Personal writings often extend to more than one volume.
Stationery Novice +50% Add elegance to the postal service.
Textbook Novice +75% Many guilds require textbooks for its members.
Language Apprentice Learn a racial language and its writings.
Translate Apprentice +33% Translate a book into one of the racial languages you know.
Vellum Apprentice +66% Make the paper used in origami.
ActionOrigami Apprentice +66% Fold vellum into moving shapes.
MagicScroll Capable Prepare a scroll for magical writings.
Healing Capable +50% Scribe a magic scroll with the words of healing.
Language Adept Learn a racial language and its writings.
Book Adept +25% The common, basic book for individual writers.
Sorcelglass Adept +50% Scrolls that beautify vials, bottles, and glasses.
Compendium Adept +75% Bind together large compendiums for organizations.
ModularOrigami Master Fold vellum into single-use containers.
Language Master +33% Learn a racial language and its writings.
Protection Master +66% Scribe a magic scroll with the words of protection.
Manual Gifted +33% Manuals often hold dense personal writings.
Codex Gifted +66% Sometimes only a codex can hold an organization's writings.
Language Expert Learn a racial language and its writings.
EnchantedScript Expert +50% Enchanted script limits who may read it.
Disruption Virtuoso Scribe a magic scroll with the words of disruption.
WetFoldOrigami Virtuoso +25% Shape vellum into a talisman of charm and guile.
Miniatures Virtuoso +50% Scribe figurines with magical script.
Tome Virtuoso +75% Massive books for personal writings.
Omnibus Fabled Organizations sometimes prepare these massive volumes.
Divine Fabled +25% Learn to write in the divine script.
Kirigami Fabled +50% Fold vellum into a good luck charm.
Curses Fabled +75% Scribe a magic scroll with the words of curses.
Stamp Mythical Create stamps to seal stationery with unique chops.
Constructs Mythical Prepare a special scroll to curse enemy constructs.
PrintingPress Mythical +50% Copy books to make new originals.
MagicTome Transcendent Only a bookbinder can use these special books.
Library of the Dark Fates (by Kwee)


1 flax per letter

Letters are plain, unadorned sheets of paper used in the postal system. A letter will hold up to one item and can be mailed at any post office.


BOOKBIND <design number> for <person>

Scrolls are simple 2-page documents for personal use. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a scroll.


BOOKBIND <design number> FOR <org>

Pamphlets are 2-page documents for organizations. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a pamphlet. Also see BOOKBINDINGS PAMPHLET.


STUDY <language>

Every time you receive this skill, you can learn a new racial language. You must be in a great library in order to study a new language. Once you learn a language, you will not be able to switch it with another language so choose carefully. Type SPEAK for a list of known languages.

(NOTE: If you ever forget the scholarly arts of bookbinding, you will also forget the language(s) learned.)


BOOKBIND [quantity] STATIONERY <design>

You can decorate letters to produce fine, personalized stationery. You'll need one letter in addition to the commodities specified on the design for each piece of stationery. Stationery works the same as letters, and will last twice as long.




You can decorate letters to produce fine, personalized stationery. You'll need one letter in addition to the commodities specified on the design for each piece of stationery. Stationery works the same as letters, and will last twice as long.



BOOKBIND <design number> FOR <org>

Textbooks are small booklets for organizations. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a textbook. Also see BOOKBINDINGS TEXTBOOK.


TRANSLATE <book> INTO <language>

You can translate a book into any racial language that you know. Only those who know the language can read it. You need 5 applications of magic ink to translate a book. If an author seals his or her book, it may not be translated.


1 leather per sheet of vellum

Fine sheets of vellum are used for origami.


FOLD <design>

SCRIBE ORIGAMI <origami> <text>
CLOSE <origami>
OPEN <origami>
- to activate

1 vellum

The ancient craft of origami is a subtle and delicate folk art, involving folding and shaping sheets of light vellum into esoteric shapes, using a few simple folds and techniques combined in sequence to create objects of surprising complexity, and imbued with capabilities that seem, to the untrained eye, to be beyond their humble origins. The surest mark of the subtle complexity of origami is the fact that the simpler the design appears, the more complex it actually is to make.

The simplest origami is the action origami, so called because the folded paper can be made to move in simple ways. For instance, a folded paper crane might flap its wings when its tail is tugged on. More cunningly, when magic ink is also applied, a bookbinder can scribe a message into the origami which the crane will appear to recite when it is opened. (One dose of ink will inscribe up to ten characters.) The origami can also be folded around a small keepsake. You may mail this origami at any post office, though only when it is closed.

Note that origami can be folded by a skilled bookbinder in any location, since there is no need for a press for the act of folding vellum into origami.




Magic scrolls are simple blank scrolls that have been prepared for magical script. You will need 1 leather and 1 gold commodity.



READ <scroll> [TO <player>]

You will need a blank magic scroll and at least 10 applications of magical ink prepared by an alchemist in order to scribe the healing script. Once scribed, the scroll may be charged by a highly skilled enchanter for up to 50 charges. The scroll may either be read normally (which will target yourself) or read to another. The effects of the scroll will partially refresh health, mana and ego but, unlike other healing magic, the amount healed will be weighted according to which of these statistics is in greater need. In other words, if the percent of your health is damaged more than your mana, more of this magic will be used to heal your health rather than your mana.


BOOKBIND <design number> for <person>
Royalty: 5%

Books are the standard for personal use. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a book.


SCRIBE SORCELGLASS <design> - to make the scroll

READ <scroll> - to review the design
READ <scroll> AT <container> - to apply the design

A sorcelglass scroll is a pattern which can be used to modify the appearance of a container (bottle, vial, or glass). Custom designs for sorcelglass scrolls can be created through bookbinding cartels; note that each design will describe the appearance of a bottle, vial, or glass, not of a scroll. Creating a sorcelglass scroll requires a blank magic scroll and 15 applications of magic ink.

Anyone can read a sorcelglass scroll to review or apply the design. A sorcelglass scroll can be used five times, and each time, it will require and consume the commodities listed in the design to customize the appearance of the vial, bottle, or glass. A design intended for one kind of container cannot be used on the other kinds. Any container can only be modified in this way once, and doing so doubles its remaining lifespan before decay.



BOOKBIND <design number> FOR <org>
Royalty: 5%

Compendiums are the standard for organizations. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a compendium. Also see BOOKBINDINGS COMPENDIUM.


FOLD <design>

CLOSE <origami>
OPEN <origami>
- to activate

2 vellum

Like its simpler cousin action origami, modular origami is made from complex combinations of simple folds of vellum, and will appear as some object or creature, most commonly those found in the natural world, regardless of its actual purpose. Unlike action origami, however, modular origami is fashioned from several separate pieces of vellum which are folded independently and then combined in the final step of assembly.

The resulting origami may appear like a dragon or mountain, but will actually serve as a small container capable of preserving its contents for as long as the origami itself lasts, and able to be mailed at any post office (only when closed). However, this preservative power comes at several costs. First, it will not begin to take effect until the final assembly is completed when the origami is closed; and once it is closed, nothing more may be added. Second, the origami itself will not be preserved by other magics such as those used in shop stockrooms. Third, and most importantly, the act of opening the origami will destroy it, leaving its contents in the hands of the person who opened it. (Items that could be stored in a rift will, if the holder has the appropriate skill and enough room, automatically go into the rift instead.)

A modular origami can hold up to 25 items.




READ <scroll>

You will need a blank magic scroll and at 10 applications of magical ink prepared by an alchemist in order to scribe the protecting script. Once scribed, the scroll may be charged by a highly skilled enchanter for up to 50 charges. When the scroll is read, an aura of protection will encase you. Note that this aura can be easily dissolved by a mage or a druid; however, while it is around you, you will be protected from some demesne effects, such as: spores, pollen, swarm, stillwater, needlerain, currents, poison clouds, duststorm, sickening.


BOOKBIND <design number> for <person>
Royalty: 10%

Manuals are larger books for personal use. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a manual. Also see BOOKBINDINGS MANUAL.


BOOKBIND <design number> FOR <org>
Royalty: 10%

Codexes are larger books for organizations. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a codex. Also see BOOKBINDINGS CODEX.



This is a complete rewriting of a book's content into enchanted script, which can then only be read by members of a specific organization. You will need 15 applications of magical ink to do such a translation. If an author seals his or her book, it may not be set in enchanted script.



READ <scroll> TO <player>

You will need a blank magic scroll and 10 applications of magical ink prepared by an alchemist in order to scribe the script of disruption. Once scribed, the scroll may be charged by a highly skilled enchanter for up to 50 charges. The scroll can be read to another. If the person it is read to is psionic and has a locked channel, that channel will be unlocked. If that person has more than one channel locked, one channel at random will be unlocked.


FOLD <design>

RELEASE <origami>

3 vellum

Traditional folds and cuts can make many shapes, but cannot produce some of the rounded forms common in nature. Wet fold origami employs the judicious use of moisture to soften the paper allowing careful shaping to create forms evocative of animals, spirits, and the gentler forces in the world, and such shapes serve as a potent, if temporary, good luck charm with defensive and curative properties.

Once a wet fold origami has been released, which consumes the actual folded vellum, it will grant an origami luck charm which lasts approximately one day. This has several beneficial effects, including making you more charming, slightly increasing the esteem gathered when influencing, and, when the effect wears off, imbuing you with a refreshing, revitalizing energy.

Note that you can only have one origami luck charm in effect at a time.




Scribing magic script over a figurine will afford it the ability to occasionally cast shields to stop damage (though not poison clouds). This takes 50 applications of magic ink.


BOOKBIND <design number> for <person>
Royalty: 15%

Tomes are the largest type of books for personal use. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a tome.


BOOKBIND <design number> FOR <org>
Royalty: 15%

Omnibuses are enormous volumes for organizations. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft an omnibus.



You will now know divine script (however, you won't be able to speak it). Books written in divine can only be read by gods and other scribes who know it.


FOLD <design>

RELEASE <origami>

4 vellum

The most complex origami shapes are those made with the most limited number of folds and techniques. Only an origami master can practice kirigami, in which cuts, tears, the use of moisture, and other simplifying tricks are eschewed in favor of only a very few permitted folds. Shapes produced by kirigami tend to appear simple but reveal considerable underlying complexity, often resembling the most fundamental objects in the worlds; and some say that kirigami is analogous to the act of creation by which Dynara folded nothingness into matter, spirit, and life, which is why kirigami is often practiced as a spiritual exploration or a form of meditation.

Once a kirigami has been released, which consumes the actual folded vellum, it will grant an origami luck charm which lasts approximately one day. This has several beneficial effects, including making you resistant to damage, increasing the damage you do, making your attacks on denizens slightly luckier, and, when the effect wears off, imbuing you with a refreshing, revitalizing energy.

Note that you can only have one origami luck charm in effect at a time.




READ TO <player>

You will need a blank magic scroll and at least 10 applications of magical ink prepared by an alchemist in order to scribe the dark script. Once scribed, the scroll may be charged by a highly skilled enchanter for up to 50 charges. The scroll can be read to another. The person it is read to will be afflicted by a random curse.



DESIGN <design> SEALHOLDER ORG <organization>
DESIGN <design> SEAL_TEXT <description>

Stamps, also called chops or seals, are used to imprint a distinctive symbol on documents that uniquely identifies the sealholder. A chop cannot be easily forged, and thus, is traditionally used on contracts, treaties, and other sensitive documents. Stamps can be associated with an individual or an organization such as a guild, city, commune, order, cult, clan, or family. Stamps associated with an organization can be used by the organization's leaders. Family seals are traditionally passed on from parent to child when they become the family head.

Creating Stamp Designs:

Stamp designs are created by trademasters the same way as other designs. However, stamp designs cannot be limited to cartels and must only be public. Every stamp design has to be associated with a particular sealholder as follows:


DESIGN <design> SEALHOLDER ORG <organization>

Stamp designs have an additional field called Seal_Text:

DESIGN <design> SEAL_TEXT <description>

This describes the appearance of the seal, or chop, which the stamp will imprint. The seal does not need to describe the person or organization directly (this will automatically be displayed).

Finally, submitting a stamp design requires a Chop Certificate, which can be purchased at the Hall of Records. There are separate Chop Certificates for personal and organizational stamps. Chop Certificates are quite expensive, because a single person or organization should not have many stamps (usually only one). The bookbinder will get part of the cost of the certificate back when the design is submitted.

Creating The Stamp:

Syntax: BOOKBIND STAMP <design>

Bookbinders can only create a stamp in the presence of the sealholder (in the case of an organization, one of its leaders). The stamp will be delivered directly into the sealholder's hand.

Using The Stamp:

Syntax: STAMP <document> WITH <stamp>
Cost: 1 redtint

Only a sealholder may use a stamp. Only letters, stationery, action origami, modular origami, and scrolls may be stamped, and each document can have up to six stamps. The document will reveal the chop when read or probed.

Additional Notes:
Who counts as an organization leader able to use stamps is as follows:
  • City/Commune: Mayor/Seneschal/Warlord/Etc., plus Guildmasters
  • Guild: Guildmaster, Guild Administrator, Guild Champion
  • Clan/Cartel: Clan leader, plus anyone with investible Sealholder privilege
  • Family: Family Head
  • Order: Members of the Inner Circle
  • Cult: Cult Leader


50 applications

This bookbinder's magic scroll can fit into a construct or colossus, enabling the operator to decrease a target's efficiency and increase their recovery time for a short duration.



This will make a copy of another original of a book. Although you will still need the commodities necessary to make the book, it will not cost any gold. You will, however, also need 5 applications of magic ink. Copied books will be exactly like the originals, and the magical nature of the ink allows all copies to be updated as the author edits his original book. If the author seals his or her book, it may not be copied.



READ MAGICTOME <spell> [TO <person>]

The magic tome can only be used by the bookbinder who created it, and he or she may only ever possess one. It will contain the scripted spells of healing, protection, curses and disruption. Although enchanters can charge the book like a magic scroll, it can alternately be charged in a unique manner. If the tome is held and you are damaged, the book will siphon part of the damage and charge itself until it is at its maximum of 50 per spell. Each spell will only siphon a specific type of damage into charges:

  • Healing: Magical Damage (Damage Modifier: 5)
  • Protection: Cold or Fire Damage (Damage Modifier: 5)
  • Disruption: Psionic Damage (Damage Modifier: 5)
  • Curses: Poison Damage (Damage Modifier: 5)

To make a magic tome, you will need a full vial (50 applications) of magical ink. You will also need the following commodities: leather 50 wood 50 gold 25