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403 bytes added ,  04:29, 11 October 2021
added ChronicLoop
(added ChronicLoop)
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|description = By glimpsing into the future (or perhaps your future self is glimpsing into his or her past which is your present), you can avoid certain afflictions. The future is fuzzy so there is only a 20% chance of avoiding any afflictions and each time you succeed in avoiding an affliction, there is a 50% chance that your glimpse into the future will fade.
|description = By glimpsing into the future (or perhaps your future self is glimpsing into his or her past which is your present), you can avoid certain afflictions. The future is fuzzy so there is only a 20% chance of avoiding any afflictions and each time you succeed in avoiding an affliction, there is a 50% chance that your glimpse into the future will fade.
|skillname = ChronicLoop
|syntax = TIMECHANT CHRONICLOOP <target>
|cost = Power: 2 (Matrix)
|description = You can loop time around someone, catching when they are afflicted with spiritual afflictions. After 5 afflictions, the looping time will speed up and implode on the target, reafflicting the 5 afflictions. The affliction will fizzle out after two minutes if the afflictions are not



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