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378 bytes added ,  04:54, 20 October 2021
Having this redirect to Planescape makes no sense now that there are multiple continents that need to be chronicled. This is a
(Having this redirect to Planescape makes no sense now that there are multiple continents that need to be chronicled. This is a)
Tag: Removed redirect
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#REDIRECT [[Planescape#The Prime Material Plane]]
The Prime Material Plane is the largest region of Lusternia. It is home to the cosmically important locations of Avechna's Peak and the Portal of Fate.
Known Continents:<br>
::[[The Basin of Life]]<br>
::[[Mount Dio]]<br>
::[[The Undervault]]<br>
Travel between continents can be quite difficult and is often done through the use of gates to the adjacent Ethereal Plane, curios or artifacts.


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