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Scribe, casual Mudlet scripter.




Serenwilde Special Report Response WIP

Problem Statement Template: We would like to update skills used by Serenwilde classes for intra-org synergy and to make possible a kill path for each class. The wiccan Moondancer is a suggested start as one of the oldest classes (and the solution may also help Serenguard with Moon Totem). We would like to see a <steady|bursty|timed window kill like Celestian Inquisition|other style> kill path for Moondancers. Part of this problem is some supporting skills requiring a minimum number of players for a coven in skills under Moon/Night, which is difficult with our current population.

Tertiaries have been included for a sense of the current meta but it is not to suggest each Tertiary should have a kill path. (Afflictions applied by Astrology are dependent on target nativity and are not included.)

Research for Serenwilde Special Report

For Covens, those with the Moonchilde Aura when the Moon Altar is active may also join the coven but (if they do not have the Moon skill) will not count for Rage Covens. But even with Moonchildren, we are short. There is a similar construct for Glomdoring Night Covens.

Serenwilde Class Combat interactions
Class Kill Path Kill Path Support Timed/Unique Affs Mental Affs Spiritual Affs Physical Affs Internal Affs

Wicca: Toadcurse
- requires stomping after target Toaded; Toadcurse requires target at half mana;

ranged damage kill

(for Wicca: Toadcurse)

  • Moon: Succumb
    • drains mana, drain increased by current or new Mental afflictions

Moon: BlueMoon
    - give them two Mental afflictions (paranoia, hallucinations, stupidity, epilepsy, addiction, anorexia or confusion). Around the Full Moon, it has a chance to deal three afflictions instead
Moon: Dark
    - 6p location, 5p target
    - on tic (frequency dependent on moonphase), strip a defence or afflict (with one of confusion, paranoia, stupidity, amnesia, hallucinations, pacifism, or epilepsy)
Wicca: Banshee
    - on ent tic, drains health and mana
Wicca: Crone
    - on ent tic, gives mental affliction
Healing: BendAura
    - state causes healed affliction to switch to another of same type

(for Moondancer ranged damage kill)
Moon: Moonburst
    - if via group Rage, requires 5 in coven, able to fire Moonburst at distance (? does it break shield?)
Astrology: Meteor, Astrology: MeteorStorm
    - requires negative Astrology spheres already applied (dependent on -current- planetary configurations)

amnesia ( Dark)

- BlueMoon
- BlueMoon
- BlueMoon, Dark
- BlueMoon, Dark
- BlueMoon, Dark
- BlueMoon, Dark
- BlueMoon, Dark

pacifism ( Moon: Dark)


(for Wicca: Toadcurse)
Music: MinorSixth drains mana and ego
Wildarrane: DiscordantChord drains half their mana and ego but only if afflicted with manabarbs, egovice, and an achromatic aura and Spiritsinger requires 6 power


Shofangi: Crunch req. weakened(?) target

Harmony: Akhangooshkrak req. target at than 2/3 in two vitals (health, mana, ego)

Questions: ? Do Wiccan ents fire less frequently than other guardian ents?

All poisons, which can be applied by Serenguard or Shofangi.

Poisons by Affliction Type
Poison Type Affliction
Anatine Mental Clumsiness
Niricol Internal Blind
Mactans Internal Shivering, Frozen
Contortrin Mental Recklessness
Lucentox Spiritual Luminosity
Aleutian Mental Paranoia
Mantakaya Internal Paralysis
Dendroxin Internal Asthenia
Saxitin Internal Pox
Ibululu Mental Sensitivity
Hadrudin Spiritual Disloyalty
Mellitin Internal Dysentery
Botulinum Internal Vomiting
Pyrotoxin Physical Ablaze
Haemotox Internal Haemophilia
Calcise Mental Ataxia
Inyoka Mental Hallucinations
Tetrodin Spiritual Healthleech
Crotamine Internal Sickening
Morphite Unique Asleep
Escozul Internal Powersap
Chansu Mental Anorexia
Charybdon Varies Any poison except Calcise or Dendroxin as per Changelog #1439.
Dulak Mental Stupidity
Senso Spiritual Slickness
Anerod Internal Relapsing