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''If you are looking for the [[Hartstone]] version, see [[Druidry (Stag)]]. For the [[Blacktalon]] version, see [[Druidry (Crow)]].''
{| align="right" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="40%"
| style="background:lightyellow"|Druids are often considered "mages of the forest" for, like mages, they create demesnes over which they have almost complete control. However, instead of using elemental magic, druids use nature magic and, thus, their demesne are great tracts of forests.
|[[#Mulch|Mulch]]||Master||As caretaker of the sacred trees, sacrifices must be made.
|[[#TotemCarve|TotemCarve]]||Master||Carve trees into totem poles.
|[[#Infestation|Infestation]]||Master +25%||Infest forests with the grace of the dark forest.
|[[#Forest|Forest]]||Master +25%||Sprout forests in nearly any environment.
|[[#Meld|Meld]]||Master +50%||Merge your magics with the forest.
|[[#Influence|Influence]]||Master +75%||Increase your sway over others in your demesne.
|[[#Briars|Briars]]||Gifted||Spring up walls of briars.
|[[#Dissolve|Dissolve]]||Gifted +25%||Easily remove an aura of protection around another.
|[[#Roots|Roots]]||Gifted +50%||Command the tree roots to attack burrowed enemies.
|[[#Center|Center]]||Gifted +75%||Move to the centre of your demesne.
|[[#Sapling|Sapling]]||Expert||Populate the forests with thriving trees.
|[[#Runes|Runes]]||Expert +20%||Affix mystical runes upon your totem.
|[[#Squirrels|Squirrels]]||Expert +40%, Stag||"Aid shall come from even the smallest." -Glinshari
|[[#Murder|Murder]]||Expert +40%, Crow||Call down a murder of crows to descend upon your prey.
|[[#Spores|Spores]]||Expert +60%||Hallucinogenic mushroom spores affect the mind.
|[[#Totem|Totem]]||Expert +80%||Summon your totem animal.
|[[#Pollen|Pollen]]||Virtuoso||Irritate the allergies of others.
|[[#Treelife|Treelife]]||Virtuoso +25%||Bring combat into the tree tops.
|[[#Treebane|Treebane]]||Virtuoso +50%||Throw your tree-climbing foes onto the ground.
|[[#Thorns|Thorns]]||Virtuoso +75%||Thorny vines attack your foes.
|[[#Pathtwist|Pathtwist]]||Fabled, Stag||All roads lead to you.
|[[#Spiders|Spiders]]||Fabled, Crow||Call up millions of poisonous spiders.
|[[#Swarm|Swarm]]||Fabled +25%||Wasps and bees descend upon your enemies.
|[[#Cudgel|Cudgel]]||Fabled +50%||Summon the ultimate weapon of the druids.
|[[#Sap|Sap]]||Fabled +75%||Slow down your opponents with sticky sap.
|[[#Storm|Storm]]||Mythical||Strike down your enemies with lightning strikes.
|[[#Thornrend|Thornrend]]||Mythical +25%||Unleash the power of the vines!
|[[#Regrowth|Regrowth]]||Mythical +50%||Cast the powers of the forests in one spell.
|[[#Darkseed|Darkseed]]||Mythical +75%, Stag||Plant the darkseed inside your victim.
|[[#Scarab|Scarab]]||Mythical +75%, Crow||Plant an egg-laying beetle in the flesh of your victim.
|[[#Fury|Fury]]||Transcendent||Unleash the god-like power of nature.
[[Image:Druidry.jpg|thumb|Mystic Cudgel (by Incabulos)]]
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>MULCH <tree></tt>
The sacred trees of your commune will give up their lives for each other in order so that elder trees may live. It is the responsibility of druids to make sure these sacred trees do not crowd each other. Note that the trees will not agree to turn into mulch if it is not their time. See also <tt>AB NATURE NUT</tt> for more information on these sacred trees.
You may also mulch normal trees (those grown from saplings). This can be done at the discretion of the druid, and needs no permission from the trees themselves. If they are mature, they will leave behind lumber (the amount depending on their weight). You may not mulch dryad trees, as they are fae and do not harken the land's call.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>TOTEMCARVE <tree></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 10 (Commune Nexus)
When a mystic tree of your commune becomes an elder, you may call upon the powers of nature to transform it into a living totem, which will remain standing for a year and a day before reverting back to an elder tree. Living totems cannot be chopped down. The type of power depends on what commune the tree to carve is associated with.
When carving a totem, power will first attempt to be drawn from a wielded powerstone, then your personal reserve, and then finally your active power.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST INFEST</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 1 (Master Ravenwood)
If a forest is not wyrded, you can infest it with the glory of the dark forest to prepare it for your meld. Also, when you normally forest or forceforest a non-forest location, you will automatically turn it into a dark forest environment.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST FOREST</tt><br/>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 1 (Commune Nexus)
You may temporarily transform almost any environment into a forest location. If a location is currently the demesne of any druid or mage, you can <tt>FORCE</tt> it and break the meld in that location.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST MELD</tt><br/>
<tt>FORESTCAST SENSE</tt><br/>
<tt>FORESTCAST DAMPEN <effect></tt><br/>
<tt>DEMESNE CENTER</tt><br/>
The primary power of druidism is to build your own forest demesne. By creating a <tt>MELD</tt> between a forest location and yourself, you thus build your demesne. Each new <tt>MELD</tt> must be adjacent to another. While in your demesne, you can <tt>SENSE</tt> who is trodding your forest and <tt>WATCH</tt> who enters and leaves. To check on its status, <tt>DEMESNE</tt> will show you where its center is, and what powers are curently active and how long they will last. <tt>DEMESNE CENTER</tt> will change the center of your demense to the current room. You can <tt>DISSOLVE</tt> your demesne at any time.
Within your own demesne, you will find your ability of [[influence]] to be more effective.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST BRIARS [<direction>|DEMESNE]</tt>
Ordering the forests to guard an entrance with fearsome briars will create such a thicket that anyone passing that direction will become entangled in the troublesome vines. If cast on a meld, it will produce walls of briars in random locations throughout the demesne.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DISSOLVE <target></tt>
You can dissolve the aura of protection around those who are using it to escape some of the powers of your demesne. This requires balance but not equilibrium and is a very fast attack.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST ROOTS [DEMESNE]</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Damage Type: 50% Cutting, 50% Asphyxiation<br/>
Damage Source: Magical
This can be cast in a single forest location or throughout your demesne. Anyone who is burrowed underground when it is cast will find themselves painfully lashed by roots and pulled back up. This is not like other demesne abilities in it only works on people in your demesne the moment it is cast; it is not a recurring task. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the region of your demesne where you stand, but as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift areas with you.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST CENTER</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 2 (Any)
From anywhere in your demesne, you can instantly transport to the centre of your demesne. If you are outside your demesne, but on the same plane and terrain type as your demesne, you may teleport back to the centre of your demesne at a cost of power.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST SAPLING</tt>
By encouraging growth within a forest location, a random type of sapling will be born. Only one sapling can grow in any location, and it will prevent any mage from changing the environment. If the location a sapling grows is not a natural forest location (i.e., a location where the environment has been changed into a forest), it will die in one Lusternian day. However, if the sapling is born into a true forest location, it will permanently thrive there, growing larger and larger. If it survives for two years, it will blossom into a mature tree, which can then be harvested for lumber. The older (and heavier) a tree is, the more lumber it will provide. If the tree is never harvested, it will eventually die on its own in about 10 years (leaving only half the lumber it would have yielded if harvested). Trees grow faster during the Spring and Summer months, as well as if the growth spell is used in its location.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|There are different breeds of tree grown by each commune, and the time it takes to meld a location is slowed if the tree present is of the other commune's type.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>AFFIX <rune> ON TOTEM [ON <base|top|east|west|north|south>]</tt><br/>
<tt>WIPE TOTEM [<base|top|east|west|north|south>]</tt>
On any totem you are bonded with, you may affix up to six runes and tune it in a variety of ways (see <tt>TUNE <totem></tt> for syntax). Most, but not all, runes are able to be transferred to your totem. Also, you do not have to know the [[Runes]] skill to affix runes, although you must have the appropriate rune in your inventory.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST SQUIRRELS [DEMESNE]</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Damage Type: 100% Blunt<br/>
Damage Source: None
This can be cast in a single forest location or throughout your demesne. Never underestimate the powers of these furry friends--any enemy caught by them in or beneath their trees will find themselves on the wrong side of an acorn! If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the region of your demesne where you stand, but as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift areas with you.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST MURDER [DEMESNE]</tt>
This can be cast in a single forest location or throughout your demesne.  A murder of crows will descend upon your enemies who stand above the ground (flying, in trees or mountains, etc.), or with a small chance those on the ground, either blinding them, raking them with their talons, or infecting them with the dread disease of black lung. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the location of the demesne where you stand and adjacent locations that also reside in the demesne. But, as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift location with you.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST SPORES [DEMESNE]</tt>
This can be cast in a single forest location or throughout your demesne. Hallucinagenic mushrooms will spring to life and release mind-altering spores upon your enemies. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the region of your demesne where you stand, but as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift areas with you.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST TOTEM</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 10 (Moonhart Mother Tree or Master Ravenwood)
Call on White Hart to gift you with one of his fawns. The power cost will be significantly less if cast on the Ethereal Plane. The fawn will mature to a stag which will be able to heal your health and also have the unique inherent ability to toss others into trees.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>BEAST ORDER TREETOSS <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Beast Mana: 250
This is a unique attack that will toss a target into a tree (assuming there are trees around).
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>BEAST ORDER HEAL HEALTH</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Beast Ego: 500
Your stag can tap into its reserves and channel those energies into you. This is the same as the [[Beastmastery]] skill except stags have a stronger ability to heal. Note that you do not need the Beastmastery skill so long as you have the Druidry skill of Totem and the Stag specialization.
NOTE: If you lose the Druidry skill of Totem or forget the Stag specialization, your stag will not abandon you; however, it will lose its special beast abilities (including the more powerful healing).
Call on Great Crow to gift you with a crow's egg. The power cost will be significantly less if cast on the Ethereal Plane. The crow will be able to fly and have the unique inherent ability to give blacklung.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>BEAST ORDER BLACKLUNG <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Beast Mana: 250
This is a unique attack that will give the blacklung disease.
NOTE: If you lose the druidry skill of totem or forget the Crow specialization, your crow will not abandon you; however, it will lose its special beast abilities. You do not need the Beastmastery skill of flying in order to fly so long as you have the druidry skill of totem and the Crow specialization.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST POLLEN [DEMESNE]</tt>
This can be cast in a single forest location or throughout your demesne. Thick clouds of pollen will be released and afflict your enemies with asthma. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the region of your demesne where you stand, but as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift areas with you.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST TREELIFE [DEMESNE]</tt>
This can be cast in a single forest location or throughout your demesne. If any of your enemies are caught flying while the trees are alive, they will be caught and pulled in by the caught branches of the trees. Those that walk below the branches are also vulnerable. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the region of your demesne where you stand, but as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift areas with you.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST TREEBANE [<target>|DEMESNE]</tt>
This can be cast at a single target or throughout your demesne. Trees will eject those marked by the treebane curse. This is not like other demesne abilities in that it only works on people in your demesne the moment it is cast, giving all targets the treebane curse; it is not a recurring task. (Though the curse itself, when dealt to someone, is a recurring task, even if they flee your demesne.)
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST THORNS [DEMESNE]</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Damage Type: 100% Cutting<br/>
Damage Source: Magical
This can be cast in a single forest location or throughout your demesne. Anyone in the trees will be attacked by thorny branches. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the region of your demesne where you stand, but as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift areas with you.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST PATHTWIST</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 6 (Moonhart Tree)
This spell is only available to druids who have taken Stag as a totem. The Great Spirit of White Hart will forge a path back from where you stand to the center of your demesne. Any enemies who seek to follow you through this path will be slowed down as the thorns and branches reach out, dizzied and disoriented.
Additionally, enemies who seek to leave the location of the path not at the centre of your demesne may find themselves lost in the dizzying forest trails of your demesne and forced through the path.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST SPIDERS [DEMESNE]</tt>
This can be cast in a single forest location or throughout your demesne. A swarm of spiders will cover the forest floor, attacking your enemies with their deadly stingers, that contain one of the following poisons: mactans, anatine or ibululu. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the region of your demesne where you stand, but as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift areas with you.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST SWARM [DEMESNE]</tt>
This can be cast in a single forest location or throughout your demesne. Wasps and bees will hear your call and swarm your enemies, paralyzing them with their stings. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the region of your demesne where you stand, but as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift areas with you.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST CUDGEL</tt><br/>
<tt>POINT CUDGEL <target> [direction]</tt><br/>
<tt>WHIRL CUDGEL</tt><br/>
<tt>RAISE CUDGEL</tt><br/>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 10 (Commune Nexus)<br/>
Damage Type: 50% Cutting, 50% Blunt (point cudgel)<br/>
Damage Source: Magical<br/>
Damage Modifier: 10
The forests will grant you the ultimate weapon of a druid--the fearsome cudgel. By wielding the cudgel you may <tt>POINT CUDGEL</tt> at a target and release the burl burst attack, shooting thousands of tiny splinters at your target. You can <tt>RAISE CUDGEL</tt> in a location with trees and lift everyone in that location (including yourself) up into its branches. With <tt>WHIRL CUDGEL</tt>, you can reveal anyone hiding in your location. Finally, <tt>TWIRL CUDGEL</tt> will create a shield that will offer some protection against physical attacks, as well as make it harder to knock you out of the trees. The power cost is significantly less if cast on the Ethereal Plane.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST SAP <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 5 (Commune Nexus)
Casting this curse on a target who is in the trees will cause sap to coat your victim, causing any action to be delayed from the stickiness of the sap.
NOTE: Sapping someone removes any lashed vines on them as well as preventing thornlashes.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST STORM [DEMESNE]</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Damage Type: 100% Electric<br/>
Damage Source: Magical
This can be cast in a single forest location or throughout your demesne. A thunder storm will cover your demesne, throwing lightning bolts at your enemies. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the region of your demesne where you stand, but as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift areas with you.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST THORNLASH <target></tt><br/>
<tt>FORESTCAST THORNREND <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power:  2/vined limb (Commune Nexus) (thornrend only)
Nature will respond when you point out a threat, viciously wrapping spiked vines around a limb of your enemy until they writhe free. Although this is not true entanglement, it does cause bleeding should they try to move through the forest and also prevents them from flying. Further, if the legs are lashed in vines, there is a chance movement is slowed (chance increases if both legs are lashed), and lashed arms will have increased arm balance time. Commanding the vines to rend apart your victim will cause increased bleeding depending on how many limbs are lashed together, and if all four limbs are lashed, the vines will fatally rip apart your hapless captive.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST REGROWTH</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 8 (Commune Nexus)
Your forest demesne will wildly spring to life, and become imbued with: Storm, Thorns, Spores, Pollen, Treelife, and Swarm, plus any additional demesne Druidry spells specific to your Totem specialisation.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|Resets already-raised demesne effects to their full timer, aligning them to tick at the same time.  Those not already raised will still be aligned but will last about a third to a quarter as long.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST DARKSEED <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 8 (Moonhart Tree)<br/>
Damage Type: Unblockable<br/>
Damage Source: Magical
This fearsome curse will plant a seed within the body of your victim. It will quickly mature, sprouting vines that painfully burst forth from the target's skin and entangle the hapless victim--multiple times.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>FORESTCAST SCARAB <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 5 (Master Ravenwood)<br/>
Damage Type: Unblockable<br/>
Damage Source: Magical
Implant the scarab beetle within the body of your enemy, where it will lay its eggs. When the eggs hatch, the young beetles will scrawl up their host's throat, damaging the host who will also find it impossible to eat or drink.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>UNLEASH CUDGEL</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: 10 (Commune Nexus)<br/>
Damage Type: 100% Cutting<br/>
Damage Source: None
Unleash the wrath of nature in her full and glorious fury. She shall seek out your personal enemies that still stand within your demesne and leave them battered and bloodied! You must wield your cudgel and be at full mana to invoke such a spectacle
