Defenses are temporary bonuses provided to your character through the use of skills, items, or quests, and most will persist until you leave the game or die. Your own defenses are visible at any time by using the DEF command, while certain abilities such as Tristitia allow you to view the defenses of others.
Defences line:
You are carefully avoiding the next targeted blow.
Provided by: Avoid (Acrobatics)
Defences line:
You are concentrating on providing your muscles with increased elasticity.
Provided by: elasticity (acrobatics)
Defences line:
You are protected against falling suddenly.
Provided by: falling (acrobatics)
Defences line:
You are surrounded by an aeon field.
Provided by: aeonfield (aeonics)
Defences line:
You are surrounded by a field of alacrity.
Provided by: alacrity (aeonics)
Defences line:
You have insight into your own mind.
Provided by: insight (aeonics)
Defences line:
Your mind's inner clock is synchronised with your body.
Provided by: mindclock (aeonics)
Other defenses to be added during the major rewrite of this page.