Difference between revisions of "Dreamweaving"

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1,501 bytes added ,  20:17, 15 July 2018
updated ability order, updated Inept ability descs
(updated ability order, updated Inept ability descs)
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{{SkillTableRow|DreamBody|Inept|0|Separate your dreambody from your corporeal.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamBody|Inept|0|Separate your dreambody from your corporeal.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Burst|Unknown|?|An attack against noncorporeal beings.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Burst|Inept|25|An attack against noncorporeal beings.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Evaluate|Unknown|?|You can evaluate the state of corporeal bodies.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Evaluate|Inept|50|You can evaluate the state of corporeal bodies.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Slumber|Unknown|?|Bring sleep unto the waking.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Slumber|Inept|75|Bring sleep unto the waking.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Hallucination|Unknown|?|Project an illusion into the mind of your subject.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamcatchers|Novice|0|Store your dream motes on a dreamcatcher.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Puncture|Unknown|?|Puncture the aura of those awake so motes may pass through.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Stupidity|Novice|33|Cause a loss in concentration by addling the mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamcatchers|Unknown|?|Store your dream motes on a dreamcatcher.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Bodysnap|Novice|66|Snap back into your corporeal body from afar.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Bodysnap|Unknown|?|Snap back into your corporeal body from afar.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Pacification|Apprentice|0|Soothe all violent thoughts from your subject's mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Pacification|Unknown|?|Soothe all violent thoughts from your subject's mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamrealm|Apprentice|25|Enter the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamrealm|Unknown|?|Enter the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamSearch|Apprentice|50|Scan the dreamworld for other dreambodies.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamSearch|Unknown|?|Scan the dreamworld for other dreambodies.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Anchor|Apprentice|75|Create an anchor to return to Nirvana.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Haunt|Unknown|?|Plague the waking with ghostly noises, sights and feelings.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Haunt|Capable|0|Plague the waking with ghostly noises, sights and feelings.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamspeak|Unknown|?|Communicate with the corporeal.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamspeak|Capable|25|Communicate with the corporeal.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Control|Unknown|?|Gain complete control over your sleep.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Illusion|Capable|50|Create basic illusions while in the dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Stupidity|Unknown|?|Cause a loss in concentration by addling the mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Control|Capable|75|Gain complete control over your sleep.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Nightmare|Unknown|?|Make your enemy's nightmares become reality!}}
{{SkillTableRow|Hallucination|Adept|0|Project an illusion into the mind of your subject.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Illusion|Unknown|?|Create basic illusions while in the dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Interpretation|Adept|33|Analyse your dreams to prepare for ominous futures.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Interpretation|Unknown|?|Analyse your dreams to prepare for ominous futures.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Channel|Adept|66|Extract ego from corporeal bodies to your dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Envelop|Unknown|?|Absorb items your dreambody encounters.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Envelop|Master|0|Absorb items your dreambody encounters.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamjack|Unknown|?|Bring someone into the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamjack|Master|25|Bring someone into the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Amnesia|Unknown|?|Induce temporary forgetfulness into your subject.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Nightmare|Master|50|Make your enemy's nightmares become reality!}}
{{SkillTableRow|Channel|Unknown|?|Extract ego from corporeal bodies to your dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Tether|Master|75|Bind yourself to a friend.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Tether|Unknown|?|Bind yourself to a friend.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Sap|Gifted|0|Extract health from corporeal bodies to your dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Sap|Unknown|?|Extract health from corporeal bodies to your dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Amnesia|Gifted|33|Induce temporary forgetfulness into your subject.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Link|Unknown|?|Join your dreambody to the spirit of others.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Link|Gifted|66|Join your dreambody to the spirit of others.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Epilepsy|Unknown|?|Throw your victim's nervous system into disarray.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Epilepsy|Expert|0|Throw your victim's nervous system into disarray.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Induce|Unknown|?|Force another to act upon your whims.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Induce|Expert|25|Force another to act upon your whims.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Sleepsense|Unknown|?|Seek out and find all those who slumber.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Embed|Expert|50|Drop motes into your demesne.}}
{{SkillTableRow|MemoryLoss|Unknown|?|Cause a short-lived, total blackout to your subject.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Sleepsense|Expert|75|Seek out the sleeping.}}
{{SkillTableRow|MindSoothe|Unknown|?|Soothe the ailments of the mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|MemoryLoss|Virtuoso|0|Cause a short-lived, total blackout to your subject.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamblade|Unknown|?|Create a disembodied blade in the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|MindSoothe|Virtuoso|25|Soothe the ailments of the mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DeepDreams|Unknown|?|Your mind creates more powerful dreams, even if awake.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DeepDreams|Virtuoso|50|Your mind creates more powerful dreams, even if awake.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Sleepmist|Unknown|?|Summon forth sleep-inducing mists in your demesne.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamblade|Virtuoso|75|Create a disembodied blade in the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Undoing|Unknown|?|Strip the defences of your opponent.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Doldrums|Fabled|0|A mental apathy that slows the minds.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamtower|Unknown|?|Trap an opponent with a mystical dreamtower.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Undoing|Fabled|33|Strip the defences of your opponent.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Coalesce|Unknown|?|Make your corporeal self coalesce around your dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamtower|Fabled|66|Trap an opponent with a mystical dreamtower.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamDrift|Unknown|?|Let your dreambody drift to meet a friend.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Coalesce|Mythical|0|Make your corporeal self coalesce around your dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|EternalSleep|Unknown|?|Induce a "sleep" that lasts forever.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamDrift|Mythical|25|Let your dreambody drift to meet a friend.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamBeast|Unknown|?|Summon a monster from the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|EternalSleep|Mythical|50|Induce a "sleep" that lasts forever.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamBeast|Mythical|75|Summon a monster from the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Possess|Transcendent|0|Take complete control of the sleeping body!}}
{{SkillTableRow|Possess|Transcendent|0|Take complete control of the sleeping body!}}
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|description = This basic dreamweaving ability allows the dreamwalker to leave his or her physical body and enter the dreambody, and also to unite them together again. The dreamwalker must be asleep and the physical body left behind. While in the dreambody, a dreamwalker will be able to see other dreamwalkers and also people in other non-corporeal forms. It is extremely important that the physical body is protected and in a safe location as if it dies, so too will the dreamwalker. Most dreamweaving abilities only function while you are in the dreambody.
|description = This basic dreamweaving ability allows the dreamwalker to leave his or her physical body and enter the dreambody, and also to unite them together again. The dreamwalker must be asleep and the physical body left behind. (If cast when awake then you will first attempt to go to sleep.) While in the dreambody, a dreamwalker will be able to see other dreamwalkers and also people in other non-corporeal forms. It is extremely important that the physical body is protected and in a safe location as if it dies, so too will the dreamwalker. Most dreamweaving abilities only function while you are in the dreambody. <br>
Note that you cannot maintain the connection between your dreambody and physical one if they are on different planes of existence.
Note that you cannot maintain the connection between your dreambody and physical one if they are on different planes of existence.
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|skillname = Burst
|skillname = Burst
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE BURST <target>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE BURST <target><br>
DREAMWEAVE BURST SEVER <target> <gem> <br>
DREAMWEAVE BURST SEVER <target> <astrosphere> <br>
DREAMWEAVE BURST SEVER <dreamtower&#124;dreambeast&#124;haunt&#124;dreamblade>
|cost = Damage Type: 100% Magic
|cost = Damage Type: 100% Magic
|description = By weaving a burst of pure dream energy, you can attack other people while they are in dreambody form as well as other insubstantial forms.
|description = By weaving a burst of pure dream energy, you can attack other people and denizens while they are in dreambody form as well as other insubstantial forms. Can be used in both dream body and corporeal form. This ability does more damage when in the dreamrealm. <br>
Alternatively, you can use the energies against the aura around an individual in an attempt to weaken and sever the link created by charged harmonic gems. Your spell can target a specific gem or dilute across a random selection of gems, or also be used to destroy astrospheres around a person. Against those in dream body who are linked to others, you can sever that link. You can also send dreamweaving manifestations back to the dreamrealm, though some manifestations will take more effort than others.
This ability is only usable in dreamform. Does more damage when in the dreamrealm.

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|skillname = Puncture
|skillname = Anchor
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR FORM <dreamcatcher>
|cost = Power: 1 (Any) (Only if Empowered)
|description = Creates an anchor in a Nirvana dreamland where you stand using a dreamcatcher. This anchor can store a large volume of dream motes for your later use. Like a hung dreamcatcher, you can also DREAMWEAVE DREAM in the presence of your anchor.
|description = You can puncture someone's aura, enabling you to cast dream motes that will embed in your victim's aura, even if the target is awake. Note that this spell is not available while dreamwalking. Also note that puncturing is not necessary when in the dreamrealm since everyone there is truly asleep, so motes will work without puncturing.
If empowered, puncturing will not take balance upon use.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR</tt>
Shows the current status of your anchor.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR SIPHON [<amount>] INTO <br>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR SIPHON [<amount>] INTO <br>
|description = When you stand by a hanging dream catcher, you can siphon some of its motes INTO your dream anchor. You can also load up your marked dreamcatcher with motes in the anchor by siphoning FROM it.
|description = When you slip into the dream realm, if you have an anchor there you can specify that you want to arrive at your anchor.



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