Difference between revisions of "Dreamweaving"

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2,417 bytes added ,  22:13, 15 July 2018
typofix casing of abilities, updated ability descs, removed Outdated tag
(updated ability order, updated Inept ability descs)
(typofix casing of abilities, updated ability descs, removed Outdated tag)
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{{SkillTableRow|Evaluate|Inept|50|You can evaluate the state of corporeal bodies.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Evaluate|Inept|50|You can evaluate the state of corporeal bodies.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Slumber|Inept|75|Bring sleep unto the waking.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Slumber|Inept|75|Bring sleep unto the waking.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamcatchers|Novice|0|Store your dream motes on a dreamcatcher.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamCatchers|Novice|0|Store your dream motes on a dreamcatcher.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Stupidity|Novice|33|Cause a loss in concentration by addling the mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Stupidity|Novice|33|Cause a loss in concentration by addling the mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Bodysnap|Novice|66|Snap back into your corporeal body from afar.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Bodysnap|Novice|66|Snap back into your corporeal body from afar.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Pacification|Apprentice|0|Soothe all violent thoughts from your subject's mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Pacification|Apprentice|0|Soothe all violent thoughts from your subject's mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamrealm|Apprentice|25|Enter the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamRealm|Apprentice|25|Enter the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamSearch|Apprentice|50|Scan the dreamworld for other dreambodies.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamSearch|Apprentice|50|Scan the dreamworld for other dreambodies.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Anchor|Apprentice|75|Create an anchor to return to Nirvana.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Anchor|Apprentice|75|Create an anchor to return to Nirvana.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Haunt|Capable|0|Plague the waking with ghostly noises, sights and feelings.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Haunt|Capable|0|Plague the waking with ghostly noises, sights and feelings.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamspeak|Capable|25|Communicate with the corporeal.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamSpeak|Capable|25|Communicate with the corporeal.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Illusion|Capable|50|Create basic illusions while in the dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Illusion|Capable|50|Create basic illusions while in the dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Control|Capable|75|Gain complete control over your sleep.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Control|Capable|75|Gain complete control over your sleep.}}
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{{SkillTableRow|Channel|Adept|66|Extract ego from corporeal bodies to your dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Channel|Adept|66|Extract ego from corporeal bodies to your dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Envelop|Master|0|Absorb items your dreambody encounters.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Envelop|Master|0|Absorb items your dreambody encounters.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamjack|Master|25|Bring someone into the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamJack|Master|25|Bring someone into the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Nightmare|Master|50|Make your enemy's nightmares become reality!}}
{{SkillTableRow|Nightmare|Master|50|Make your enemy's nightmares become reality!}}
{{SkillTableRow|Tether|Master|75|Bind yourself to a friend.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Tether|Master|75|Bind yourself to a friend.}}
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{{SkillTableRow|Induce|Expert|25|Force another to act upon your whims.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Induce|Expert|25|Force another to act upon your whims.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Embed|Expert|50|Drop motes into your demesne.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Embed|Expert|50|Drop motes into your demesne.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Sleepsense|Expert|75|Seek out the sleeping.}}
{{SkillTableRow|SleepSense|Expert|75|Seek out the sleeping.}}
{{SkillTableRow|MemoryLoss|Virtuoso|0|Cause a short-lived, total blackout to your subject.}}
{{SkillTableRow|MemoryLoss|Virtuoso|0|Cause a short-lived, total blackout to your subject.}}
{{SkillTableRow|MindSoothe|Virtuoso|25|Soothe the ailments of the mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|MindSoothe|Virtuoso|25|Soothe the ailments of the mind.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DeepDreams|Virtuoso|50|Your mind creates more powerful dreams, even if awake.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DeepDreams|Virtuoso|50|Your mind creates more powerful dreams, even if awake.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamblade|Virtuoso|75|Create a disembodied blade in the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamBlade|Virtuoso|75|Create a disembodied blade in the dreamrealm.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Doldrums|Fabled|0|A mental apathy that slows the minds.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Doldrums|Fabled|0|A mental apathy that slows the minds.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Undoing|Fabled|33|Strip the defences of your opponent.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Undoing|Fabled|33|Strip the defences of your opponent.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Dreamtower|Fabled|66|Trap an opponent with a mystical dreamtower.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamTower|Fabled|66|Trap an opponent with a mystical dreamtower.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Coalesce|Mythical|0|Make your corporeal self coalesce around your dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Coalesce|Mythical|0|Make your corporeal self coalesce around your dreambody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamDrift|Mythical|25|Let your dreambody drift to meet a friend.}}
{{SkillTableRow|DreamDrift|Mythical|25|Let your dreambody drift to meet a friend.}}
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[[Image:Dreamweaving.jpg|thumb|Merian Dreamweaver (by Mederrach)]]
[[Image:Dreamweaving.jpg|thumb|Merian Dreamweaver (by Mederrach)]]
|skillname = Dreambody
|skillname = DreamBody
|description = This basic dreamweaving ability allows the dreamwalker to leave his or her physical body and enter the dreambody, and also to unite them together again. The dreamwalker must be asleep and the physical body left behind. (If cast when awake then you will first attempt to go to sleep.) While in the dreambody, a dreamwalker will be able to see other dreamwalkers and also people in other non-corporeal forms. It is extremely important that the physical body is protected and in a safe location as if it dies, so too will the dreamwalker. Most dreamweaving abilities only function while you are in the dreambody. <br>
|description = This basic dreamweaving ability allows the dreamwalker to leave his or her physical body and enter the dreambody, and also to unite them together again. The dreamwalker must be asleep and the physical body left behind. (If cast when awake then you will first attempt to go to sleep.) While in the dreambody, a dreamwalker will be able to see other dreamwalkers and also people in other non-corporeal forms. It is extremely important that the physical body is protected and in a safe location as if it dies, so too will the dreamwalker. Most dreamweaving abilities only function while you are in the dreambody.
Note that you cannot maintain the connection between your dreambody and physical one if they are on different planes of existence.
Note that you cannot maintain the connection between your dreambody and physical one if they are on different planes of existence.
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|skillname = Burst
|skillname = Burst
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE BURST <target><br>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE BURST <target><br>
DREAMWEAVE BURST SEVER <target> <gem> <br>
DREAMWEAVE BURST SEVER <target> <gem><br>
DREAMWEAVE BURST SEVER <target> <astrosphere> <br>
DREAMWEAVE BURST SEVER <target> <astrosphere><br>
DREAMWEAVE BURST SEVER <dreamtower&#124;dreambeast&#124;haunt&#124;dreamblade>
DREAMWEAVE BURST SEVER <dreamtower&#124;dreambeast&#124;haunt&#124;dreamblade>
|cost = Damage Type: 100% Magic
|cost = Damage Type: 100% Magic
|description = By weaving a burst of pure dream energy, you can attack other people and denizens while they are in dreambody form as well as other insubstantial forms. Can be used in both dream body and corporeal form. This ability does more damage when in the dreamrealm. <br>
|description = By weaving a burst of pure dream energy, you can attack other people and denizens while they are in dreambody form as well as other insubstantial forms. Can be used in both dream body and corporeal form. This ability does more damage when in the dreamrealm.
Alternatively, you can use the energies against the aura around an individual in an attempt to weaken and sever the link created by charged harmonic gems. Your spell can target a specific gem or dilute across a random selection of gems, or also be used to destroy astrospheres around a person. Against those in dream body who are linked to others, you can sever that link. You can also send dreamweaving manifestations back to the dreamrealm, though some manifestations will take more effort than others.
Alternatively, you can use the energies against the aura around an individual in an attempt to weaken and sever the link created by charged harmonic gems. Your spell can target a specific gem or dilute across a random selection of gems, or also be used to destroy astrospheres around a person. Against those in dream body who are linked to others, you can sever that link. You can also send dreamweaving manifestations back to the dreamrealm, though some manifestations will take more effort than others.
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|skillname = Hallucination
|skillname = DreamCatchers
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE HALLUCINATION (to create a mote) <br>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE MARK <dreamcatcher> <br>
DREAMCAST HALLUCINATION <target> <hallucination text>
|cost = Power: 1 (any) (to create a mote)
|description = You can weave a hallucination dream mote, which can then be cast at others.
|description = Dreamcatchers can be crafted by and purchased from Enchanters.
Note on dream motes in general: all dream motes may be cast regardless of if you are in dreamform, though they can only be created while you are a dreamwalker. Also, all dream motes will successfully strike a person if he or she is in dreamform (provided you also are) or if the target is asleep.
A marked dreamcatcher will be used for advanced dreamweaving skills by gathering motes of dreams into it, which will then be used to power higher dreamweaving spells. It can store up to 25 motes and have 10 active motes at a time. When fewer than 10 motes are active then they will replenish from its reserve over time. If you lose your marked dreamcatcher, use DREAMWEAVE RECALL to sumon it back to you. The DREAMCATCHER command will give you the status of your marked dreamcatcher.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DREAMWEAVE HANG <dreamcatcher></tt><br><tt>DREAMWEAVE UNHANG</tt>
When a dreamcatcher is hung in the air then it will capture dream motes from people who sleep near it.

|skillname = Anchor
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR FORM <dreamcatcher>
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|description = Creates an anchor in a Nirvana dreamland where you stand using a dreamcatcher. This anchor can store a large volume of dream motes for your later use. Like a hung dreamcatcher, you can also DREAMWEAVE DREAM in the presence of your anchor.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DREAMWEAVE DREAM</tt>
When in dreamform or when exploring the dream realm, you can force a dream, which will be captured by any nearby hanging dreamcatcher.

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| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR</tt>
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DREAMWEAVE SIPHON [<quantity>]</tt>

Shows the current status of your anchor.
You can transfer captured dream motes from a nearby hanging dreamcatcher into your marked dreamcatcher, adding the motes to its reserves.

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| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR SIPHON [<amount>] INTO <br>
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DREAMWEAVE PLUCK</tt>

|syntax = DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR SIPHON [<amount>] INTO <br>
You can pluck a dream mote from your marked dreamcatcher, which can be used for certain crafts that require dream motes or for an unusual snack.
|description = When you stand by a hanging dream catcher, you can siphon some of its motes INTO your dream anchor.  You can also load up your marked dreamcatcher with motes in the anchor by siphoning FROM it.
|skillname = Stupidity
|description = When you slip into the dream realm, if you have an anchor there you can specify that you want to arrive at your anchor.
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE STUPIDITY <target>
|description = At the cost of one active mote in your dreamcatcher, the mote sent at your target will cause stupidity.

For this and all other mote abilities you will learn you must be in corporeal form or in the dreamrealm.
|skillname = Dreamcatchers
|syntax = INDR <number> <mote> <br>
OUTDR <number> <mote> <br>
DRL/DREAMCATCHERLIST (to view contents of dreamcatchers)
|description = This ability allows the use of magical dreamcatchers to hold your valuable dream motes. When you have a dreamcatcher, you can see what it contains by probing it. <tt>INDR</tt> (for <tt>INDREAMCATCHER</tt>) <mote> will stick a mote on the dreamcatcher and <tt>OUTDR <mote></tt> will pull it off again. You may <tt>INDR</tt> and <tt>OUTDR</tt> up to 50 motes at once by doing <tt>INDR 50 HALLUCINATION</tt>, or <tt>OUTDR 50 HALLUCINATION</tt> for instance.

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|skillname = Pacification
|skillname = Pacification
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE PACIFICATION (to create a mote) <br>
|description = At the cost of one active mote in your dreamcatcher, the mote sent at your target will cause pacification.
|cost = Power: 1 (any) (to create a mote)
|description = You can weave a pacification dream mote, which can then be cast at others.

|skillname = Dreamrealm
|skillname = DreamRealm
|description = When in dreamform, you can now slip to and from the dreamrealm. While in the realm of dreams, you will still be in dreamform but will have access to all the attacks of your corporeal body. As you progress in Dreamweaving, you will discover some abilities that are stronger when in the dreamrealm or can only be cast there.
|description = When in dreamform, you can now slip to and from the dreamrealm. While in the realm of dreams, you will still be in dreamform but will have access to all the attacks of your corporeal body. As you progress in Dreamweaving, you will discover some abilities that are stronger when in the dreamrealm or can only be cast there.
Note: This is not usable from arenas.
Note: This is not usable from arenas.
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|description = You can now search the dream world for signs of other dreambodies near you.
|description = You can now search the dream world for signs of other dreambodies near you.
Also, when you are traveling the dreamrealm you will be passively notified when anyone enters or
leaves the dreamrealm.
|skillname = Anchor
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR FORM <dreamcatcher>
|description = Creates an anchor in a Nirvana dreamland where you stand using a dreamcatcher. This anchor can store a large volume of dream motes for your later use. Like a hung dreamcatcher, you can also DREAMWEAVE DREAM in the presence of your anchor.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR</tt>
Shows the current status of your anchor.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR SIPHON [<amount>] INTO <br>DREAMWEAVE ANCHOR SIPHON [<amount>] FROM</tt>
When you stand by a hanging dream catcher, you can siphon some of its motes INTO your dream anchor. You can also load up your marked dreamcatcher with motes in the anchor by siphoning FROM it.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>DREAMWEAVE SLIP ANCHOR</tt>
When you slip into the dream realm, if you have an anchor there you can specify that you want to arrive at your anchor.

|skillname = Haunt
|skillname = Haunt
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE HAUNT <target>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE HAUNT <target><br>
|description = You can weave a haunt and send it at another, which inflicts various ailments of the mind.
|cost = Commit cost: 4 motes
This ability is usable only while in dreamform.
|description = You can weave a haunt and send it at another, which will throw random motes at your opponent. Your
target can be anywhere in the area where you stand. The haunt will attack so long as the target is
within five rooms from you.
A commit cost means it takes that many motes to cast, and furthermore, the maximum motes your marked
dreamcatcher can hold is reduced by that many motes while the spell is active. Commit cost do not
apply when in the dream realm.

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|syntax = DREAMSPEAK <target> <text>
|syntax = DREAMSPEAK <target> <text>
|description = You can speak into the minds of those awake while you are dreamwalking. They will not, however, be able to tell who is speaking to them.
|description = You can speak into the minds of those awake while you are dreamwalking. They will not, however, be able to tell who is speaking to them.
|skillname = Illusion
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE ILLUSION <illusion>
|description = While walking within the realm of dreams, you can create illusions and push them into reality.

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|description = You have progressed in the arts of weaving dreams to the point where you have almost total control over when you need to sleep.
|description = You have progressed in the arts of weaving dreams to the point where you have almost total control over when you need to sleep.
With this ability active you may use the command <tt>DEEPSLEEP</tt> to enter a state of sleep from which you shall not attempt to wake naturally: only damage, death or the WAKE command will bring you from it. This cannot be forced.
With this ability active you may use the command <tt>DEEPSLEEP</tt> to enter a state of sleep from which you shall not attempt to wake naturally: only damage, death or the WAKE command will bring you from it. This cannot be forced.

|skillname = Stupidity
|skillname = Hallucination
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE STUPIDITY (to create a mote) <br>
|description = At the cost of one active mote in your dreamcatcher, the mote sent at your target will cause hallucinations.
|cost = Power: 1 (any) (to create a mote)
|description = You can weave a stupidity dream mote which can then be cast at others. This will cause stupidity.
|skillname = Nightmare
|syntax =  DREAMWEAVE NIGHTMARE <target>
|cost = Damage Type: 100% Psychic
|description = If your target is sleeping, you can inflict nightmares upon him, damaging him. Note that in the dreamrealm it is always castable since everyone there is asleep.
This ability is only usable while in dreamform.
|skillname = Illusion
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE ILLUSION <illusion>
|description = While walking within the realm of dreams, you can create illusions and push them into reality.

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CALAMITY (cold/fire/electric) <br>
CALAMITY (cold/fire/electric) <br>
MYSTERY (magic/psychic)
MYSTERY (magic/psychic)
|description = While wandering the dreamrealm as a dreambody, you can encourage your mind to receive dreams of possible futures. By the careful interpretation of these visions, you will discover ways to protect yourself from these events should similar things happen to you in the corporeal realm.
|description = While wandering the dreamrealm as a dreambody, you can encourage your mind to receive dreams of possible futures. By the careful interpretation of these visions, you will discover ways to protect yourself from these events should similar things happen to you in the corporeal realm.
|notes = When cast, you will receive a random dream of one of the noted three types, and will benefit from that defensive set until you cast interpretation again.  
|notes = When cast, you will receive a random dream of one of the noted three types, and will benefit from that defensive set until you cast interpretation again.  
|skillname = Channel
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE CHANNEL <target>
|description = You can channel ego from your enemies. If in a dream state, you will restore your own ego in the process.

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|syntax = ENVELOP <item>
|syntax = ENVELOP <item>
|description = Your aura is now strong enough that you can envelop items, which can be taken back with you to your corporeal body.
|description = Your aura is now strong enough that you can envelop items, which can be taken back with you to your corporeal body.
This ability is only usable while in dreamform. Note that in the dreamrealm you can just use the normal GET command.
This ability is only usable while in dreamform. Note that in the dreamrealm you can just use the normal GET command.

|skillname = DreamJack
|skillname = DreamJack
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE JACK <target>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE JACK<br>
|description = You can now slip into the dreamrealm and force someone to come along with you. Your target will be forced into dreamform and taken to the dreamrealm, unable to escape while you remain there with him.
|description = You can now slip into the dreamrealm and force someone to come along with you. You must be linked to your target to cast this spell. Then he will be forced into dreamform and taken to the dreamrealm with you, unable to escape while you remain there or until he awakes himself (command WAKE). If you have an anchor in the dream realm, you can optionally specify ANCHOR to arrive in front of it.
When you cast this, your target will have some time to escape into a new area. He can also slow the spell by dropping an eye sigil where you stand.
When you cast this, your target will have some time to escape into a new area. He can also slow the spell by dropping an eye sigil where you stand.
|note = In PK restricted zones (Prime Material Plane, not in enemy territory, etc.) it cannot be used unless your target initiated the attack against you.
Note: in PK restricted zones (Prime Material Plane, not in enemy territory, etc.) it cannot be used unless your target initiated the attack against you.

|skillname = Amnesia
|skillname = Nightmare
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE AMNESIA (to create a mote) <br>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE NIGHTMARE <target>
|cost = Damage Type: 100% Psychic
|cost = Power: 1 (any) (to create a mote)
|description = If your target is sleeping, you can inflict nightmares upon him, damaging him. Note that in the dreamrealm it is always castable since everyone there is asleep.
|description = You can weave an amnesia dream mote, which can then be cast at others.

This ability is only usable while in dreamform.
|skillname = Channel
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE CHANNEL <target>
|description = You can channel ego from your enemies. If in a dream state, you will restore your own ego in the process.

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|cost = Damage Type: 100% Magic
|cost = Damage Type: 100% Magic
|description = While dreamwalking, you can channel health from the waking body to restore your own.
|description = While dreamwalking, you can channel health from the waking body to restore your own.
|skillname = Amnesia
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE AMNESIA <target>
|description = At the cost of one active mote in your dreamcatcher, the mote sent at your target will cause amnesia.

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|skillname = Link
|skillname = Link
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE LINK <target>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE LINK <target>
|description = By linking yourself to a corporeal person's soul while dreamwalking, you will follow him or her around.
|description = By linking yourself to a corporeal person's soul while dreamwalking, you will follow him or her around. Also, any mote abilities can now be cast in dreamform, provided you are linked to your target.

|skillname = Epilepsy
|skillname = Epilepsy
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE EPILEPSY (to create a mote) <br>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE EPILEPSY <target>
|description = At the cost of one active mote in your dreamcatcher, the mote sent at your target will cause epilepsy.
|cost = Power: 1 (any) (to create a mote)
|description = You can weave an epilepsy dream mote, which can then be cast at others.

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ORDER <person> <action>
ORDER <person> <action>
|description = A suitably drowsy mind can be incredibly susceptible to follow orders given by a commanding, confident individual. The closer your target is to falling asleep, the quicker you can manipulate them. You can only focus on inducing one person at a time.
|description = A suitably drowsy mind can be incredibly susceptible to follow orders given by a commanding, confident individual. The closer your target is to falling asleep, the quicker you can manipulate them. You can only focus on inducing one person at a time.
|skillname = Embed
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE <mote type> HERE <br>
|description = While standing in your demesne, you now can cast any of your dream motes to your current location rather than just at individual people. The mote will embed into your demesne and strike any enemies at that location upon a regular time interval. A mote cannot be embedded twice in the same location, and your magics are unable to support more than 6 motes per location. To remove a mote from the location and return it to your inventory, you can withdraw it.

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|skillname = Memoryloss
|skillname = MemoryLoss
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE MEMORYLOSS (to create a mote) <br>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE MEMORYLOSS <target>
|description = At the cost of one active mote in your dreamcatcher, the mote sent at your target will cause a loss of memory.
|cost = Power: 1 (any) (to create a mote)
|description = You can weave a memory loss dream mote which can then be cast at others. This will cause mental blackouts.

|skillname = MindSoothe
|skillname = MindSoothe
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE MINDSOOTHE (to create a mote) <br>
|cost = Power: 1 (any) (to create a mote)
|description = While in dreamform, mindsoothe passively heals a random lucidity affliction from the person with whom you are linked and tethered.
|description = You can weave a mote that cures mental afflictions.
|skillname = DreamBlade
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE BLADE <target>
|description = Only castable while in the dreamrealm. Summon a disembodied blade that will passively attack your opponent. It cannot follow you into another room if you move.

|skillname = DeepDreams
|skillname = DeepDreams
|cost = Types:<br>
|cost = Types:<br>
ILLNESS (asphyxiation/poison) <br>
ILLNESS (asphyxiation/poison) <br>
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|skillname = SleepMist
|skillname = DreamBlade
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE BLADE <target> <br>
|description = You can cause mists of sleep to rise up in your location or throughout your demesne. The mists will rise up to all elevations, from the ground to the skies. They will caress your personal enemies, making them tire quickly. Furthermore, if they move around in the sleepmist, their mental fortitude will be drained. This cannot be cast while in dreambody.
|cost = Commit cost: 4 motes
Users of the elemental -chemantics abilities, as well as Wildewoods and Wyrdenwoods, can also make use of this ability; it will function analagously to expelled or grown reagents.
|description = Summon a disembodied blade that will passively attack your opponent's health, mana, and ego. Your target can be anywhere in the area where you stand. The blade will attack so long as the target is within five rooms from you.
|skillname = Doldrums
|description = This can be cast in a single location or throughout your demesne. It will curse your enemies with a -5/-5 penalty to the regeneration of their ego and mana.
|note = Users of the elemental -chemantics abilities, as well as Wildewoods and Wyrdenwoods, can also make use of this ability; it will function analagously to expelled or grown reagents.

|skillname = Undoing
|skillname = Undoing
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE UNDOING (to create a mote) <br>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE UNDOING <target>  
|description = At the cost of one active mote in your dreamcatcher, the mote sent at your target will undo one of his defenses.
|cost = Power: 1 (any) (to create a mote)
|description = You can weave an undoing dream mote that strips defenses, which can then be cast at others.

|skillname = DreamTower
|skillname = DreamTower
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE TOWER <br>
|cost = Power: 5
|description = Only castable while in the dreamrealm. Summon a tower of dreams that makes all exits from the location impossible to find for a period of time.
|cost = Power: 3 <br>
Commit cost: 6 motes
|description = Summon a tower of dreams that has two effects. One is the gravity felt by your enemies when by the tower of adjacent locations will be greatly increased, thereby slowing their movement. Secondly, when cast in the dreamrealm, it will lock the movement of all people within a one room perimeter of the tower. A tower will be destroyed by the power of unleashing your staff (UNLEASH STAFF) or by the presence of your phantomspheres (from the Phantasms skillset).

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|cost = Power: 8 (any) 4 if target is asleep
|cost = Power: 8 (any) 4 if target is asleep
|description = You can entice victims to wander deeper into the dream realm while in your normal body or dream body. If your target's ego is below 50% of its max, you will be able to draw him far enough into the dream realm to sever his link with his body, killing his instantly.
|description = You can entice victims to wander deeper into the dream realm while in your normal body or dream body. If your target's ego is below 50% of its max, you will be able to draw him far enough into the dream realm to sever his link with his body, killing his instantly.

|skillname = DreamBeast
|skillname = DreamBeast
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE BEAST <target>
|syntax = DREAMWEAVE BEAST <target> <br>
|description = Only castable while in the dreamrealm. Summon a dreambeast that will throw random motes at your opponent. It cannot follow you into another room if you move.
|cost = Commit cost: 6 motes
|description = Summon a dreambeast that drain the mana and ego of your target. The amount of the drain increases with the number of mental afflictions affecting him. Furthermore, if he has four or more mental afflictions then his next dose of lucidity slush after being struck by the beast will be slower. Your target can be anywhere in the area where you stand. The beast will attack so long as the target is within five rooms from you.

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|description = The most feared power of the dreamwalker is the ability to possess the sleeping body of another. This can only be maintained for short periods of time, though the mischief that may be done during this time can be dramatic.
|description = The most feared power of the dreamwalker is the ability to possess the sleeping body of another. This can only be maintained for short periods of time, though the mischief that may be done during this time can be dramatic.


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