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== Aetherspace ==
== Aetherspace ==
During flares, harmonic accordance is achieved in aetherspace via turret bombardments from aetherships. Participation on this side of the effort will require a notable degree of skill in Aethercraft and of course, access to an aethership. Bombardments take several minutes to power up before giving a burst of 'points' to the effort of harmonization. Unlike the colossus on the ground, there is no constant gain throughout this process, only upon its completion. Only one bombardment per ship may be in progress at one time.
Bombarding requires that an aethership be positioned directly over an aetherbubble's dock. Should a bombadeer unlock from his module or should the aethership move away from this location or else dock, the bombardment will be interrupted, and will need to be begun over again. Bombardment may provide a more potent boost to the effort of harmonization, yet it is much easier to interrupt owing to its limitations. As with the ground battle, in aetherspace ships will be competing over control of one location - the dock. Naturally, ship to ship combat during aether flares is an expected occurrence.
Depending on the situation, an organization may opt to send out multiple ships with skeleton crews in the hopes of picking up several bombards in succession. This prospect is very risky, as undermanned ships are extremely vulnerable. A ship with a proper crew will have no difficulties in imploding these vessels, or at the least, forcing them to flee the location - which equally stops the bombardment. Should a ship implode or otherwise be destroyed, it will not be able to return to battle immediately, but forced to recover at the aetherplex for several minutes. In addition, the power stored in its active reserves is largely drained.
An effective front in aetherspace is hugely dependent on the ability to quickly get ships to an aetherbubble. The algontherine whistle is a popular artefact among aetherspace aficionados. The whistle can be blown at a dock which will summon an aethership from anywhere. In order to prevent this, a pilot may seal the dock, which will also prevent other ships from landing. The ship which is sealing the dock must then be destroyed or forced to flee the location before any other ships may reach the aetherbubble.
The further tactics involve in the ship to ship battles vary widely depending on the situation, both immediately, and in the overall effort to claim. Whether it is worth the risk to fight and continue a bombardment in progress in the hopes of bringing it to conclusion, or else flee to avoid implosion, are all dependant on what happens in the moment - as is the case with any fight.
Those who are on the aetherspace crew will often have a bird's eye view of the situation on the ground, and are frequently responsible for relaying information, aided by the skills in Aethercraft for communication. Alerting allies of incoming enemies, and other pertinent information, as well as issuing warnings of impending bombardment strikes are all very important.


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