Difference between revisions of "Peace"

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9 bytes added ,  00:57, 29 October 2021
Currently an outdated affliction, though AFFS INFO PEACE displays pacifism's info. Redirect?
(Created page with "Pacifism will render you unable to cause harm to another. '''Cured By:''' Soothing steam blend.<br /> '''Afflicted Line:''' Your will to harm anything leaves you.<br /> '''Di...")
(Currently an outdated affliction, though AFFS INFO PEACE displays pacifism's info. Redirect?)
Line 8: Line 8:
*'''12-10-2014:''' Peace was changed in the Combat Overhaul to replace [[pacifism]] and the [[lover's curse]]. (OVERHAUL NEWS #23)
*'''12-10-2014:''' Peace was changed in the Combat Overhaul to replace [[pacifism]] and the [[lover's curse]]. (OVERHAUL NEWS #23)
[[Category:Combat]][[Category:Obsolete Afflictions]]


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