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[[Image:Eventru.jpg|thumb|Lord Eventru, Crown of the Exalted (by Lorina)]]
[[Image:Eventru.jpg|thumb|Lord Eventru, Crown of the Exalted (by Lorina)]]
The return of Eventru was intimately tied to a grand event which influenced much of Lusternian history.
Years after the Great Muud ravaged the Basin, an angelic companion of the Celestine Zynna heard a terrible cry. Desperately, the citizens of New Celest empowered the Star of Celest, at behest of Japhiel, to receive prophecy, eventually learning that the cry was the wailing of angels who had been trapped in the vast girth of Muud.
Elohora forbade the Supernals from aiding the angels; despite this, the child-like Raziela began to work on a bracelet woven of daisies as a means to save her beloved kin. Aided by Liam, a group of Celestians traversed through the bowels of the Soulless God, finding four archangels tormented by hungry appendages. Liam used the floral bracelet and created a rift that weft through the planes, enabling Raziela passage into Muud. The child Supernal saved the angels and return to Celestia, celebrating their great victory and return of her angelic comrades. However, the joyous news was short-lived. The rift granted Muud passage into Celestia, through which it was able to steal Raziela back into its terrible innards.
It was soon realized that Raziela orchestrated her capture, and in holy fervor, Celest slaughtered the peoples of the village of Duum as a means to weaken the Great Muud. Yet, Raziela's bondage grew tighter and more deadly. Many feared that she would be lost forever, or even worse, irrevocably insane.
Ultimately, Japhiel discovered a means to save Raziela, empowering her with an ancient artifact known as the pendant of Celestial Light. Acrune of the Paladins began to influence angels, drawing their power to strengthen the Supernal. Meanwhile, more insidious plots were at work. Both Magnagora and the nature communes heard of the plight of Raziela, and each believed that this would be the perfect time to strike.
The communes acted first: leading the fae girl of Faethorn, they bound Raziela in thorns to prevent her from converting fae. Magnagora then released terrible, tainted energy, forever branding the Supernal with blasphemy. After the damage was done, Celest succeeded in freeing Raziela, who was at that point, a mere husk of her former radiance.The Goddess Terentia believed there was a means to heal her, and brought the Supernal to a healing mound lost in the reaches of Celestia. Upon the healing mound laid an amphora, which when light essence was placed within its mouth, crafted a beacon. This beacon caught the attention of Eventru, once former leader of the Hamadhi -- a group of Mediators which devoted their attention to healing arts and the half-formed. Eventru, while despairing and infuriated with the state of Raziela, used much of his power and the essence left in the amphora to heal the broken Supernal.
With Raziela healed, Eventru's presence caused much joy for the citizens of New Celest. He stayed in the limelight of Lusternian history, aligning himself with the city of Light.